Drag scooters in thailand (or somewhere)...Interesting choice of safety apparel. She's wearing a face mask and no helmet... GIRL DRAGBIKE RIDER WHEELIE can kick man's ASS ! - YouTube
pretty cool check out Elvira karlsson 16 year old nitro methanol pro stock dragracer found that on youtube aswell
Lol I was watching the same scooter drag race youtube vid only the other week thinking COOL.Id love one of them for hooning around wolves on. As for that 16yrs old on proper drag bike.Respect.Most 16 yr old I know are still wanking off over the latest GTA5 game.But when its comes to protective gear the less the better in my book.Id follow this one all fuggin day. AZIAN NINJA GIRL JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN #blackdress ( Ninja Kawasaki 250r w/ Yoshimura exhaust ) - YouTube