Al's post "moving in"

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paulk563, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. Details yep. No pics though.
  2. Good to see you back Al! Hope you feel much better :smile:
  3. If you've got four weeks of non riding, good chance to polish up the golf swing?

    steady, steady, just yolking!

    good to hear your back home, rest well

  4. 4 weeks of doing nothing ...............well that's what the internet is for
    glad your ok
  5. It appears Basildon Hospital isn't as bad as the media makes out........admittedly I was in the Specialist Heart Unit though.
  6. You really want to know???

  7. It isn't done with yet.......

    .....Mrs AL is due in hospital for major surgery on the 3rd, out in about 3 days ......

    .....recuperation period therefafter, approx 6 - 8 weeks...........take it very easy and no driving etc etc etc........

    ........sound familiar???


  8. Good to see you back Al :upyeah:, does this mean I no longer have dibs on yer bike? :wink:
  9. Glad to see your ok. Now about the problem with my 900 clutch :)
  10. Just read this, been away. Pleased to read you're in recovery mode Al.

    All the best, Keith.
  11. Also you could always ponder upon the subject of where should you put that tax disc ... Il get my coat ;)
  12. can I have his bike??????

    get well soon and enjoy life.
  13. You and my avatar...........:wink:

    Although I have been given conflicting advice as to whether it is one of four weeks I can drive again, my GP told me yesterday 'one week'.

    So by the time I actually need to drive again it will have been two weeks since it happened........

    Apart from all the effing tablets I now have to take (I am changing my name by Deed Poll to 'Maraca') I don't really feel much different to how I did before it happened.

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  14. Al, my dad had a heart attack just before last Christmas, and like yourself had a stent fitted and was out within a couple of days. He has subsequently felt better and healthier with more energy (other than having a chemists dispensary in his over night bag) his life has actually improved. Take it easy. Now about my clutch problem????? ;)
  15. No worries Al, frieght would probably kill it for me anyway :wink:
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