Commissioner should be sacked

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. BBC News - End war on drugs, says Durham police chief Mike Barton

    I am feeling opinionated and up for a scrap tonight so lets start with this one. None of this cryptic what do you think bollox, this is how it can this man keep his job after giving such a view?! In his role, personal opinion should be reserved for private.

    sack him.
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  2. If we cannot listen to the opinion of someone at the sharp-end of a law enforcement issue, who should we be hearing from?

    Politicians whose only concern is to not lose votes by speaking their minds, maybe?
  3. he's a chief constable not a commissioner......
  4. The guy makes sense. Cut out the profiteering middle man (drug gangs) ans sell direct to the end user in controlled environment.
  5. like cigarettes.......then we can tax them!
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  6. Apologies. In which case his boss should be too for letting him say it ;-)

    Its because I saw commissioner on another thread,,.this working class pleb can only manage one thought at a time
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  7. rtfi....
  8. I can see it now, the row of soldiers and coppers who coke a bit of coke rubbing shoulders with bankers, whores and dole'ies on the smack. Maybe I'll open a corner shop
  9. its all about communication ...standing in their shoes....
  10. Imagine it if they legalised alcohol ... people - soldiers, coppers - would all be getting drunk!
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  11. Arse. Its about communication yes, and how is that read. Whats the bets he gets caught or someone close to him does soon, hence his views. Maybe too much in someone else's shoes....

    so take it thru then. Legalise, create a tax, legitimise the use of class A drugs, and make half the population addicted such as tobacco. It worked out well then so why not now? Yep go for it, I'm convinced :upyeah:
  12. Even for you such a ridiculous statement not worthy of response, other to point out just how ridiculous it is :upyeah:
  13. No problem with him asking for an open and honest debate. He makes some good points.
  14. Regardless of rights or wrongs, he is there to maintain the law, not aim to make changes. It is naive and inappropriate to make comments like this, an shows a lack of understanding of his role or an arrogance as to what he believes it is

    No wonder front line troops seem so at sea as to what they should or should not be doing.
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  15. how much effort is wasted trying to bust people chilling out in front the fire?
  16. Decriminalising won't get rid of the drugs barons. It would merely legitimise them. Better that they be taxed than for them to get all their profits. Let the taxes pay for the clinics. Plus the taxman is a greater foe than a copper. Those bastards get you no matter where you hide.
  17. I hate to say it but legalising drugs like Heroin make sense to me. I'd have a bet that any of you who've been burgled/had your car broken into would've been the victim of a druggie looking to get their next fix. Like it or not, prescribing Heroin would cut crime, take money away from the dealers/handlers/other criminals(and some cases funding terrorism), reduces your insurance bill and gives the already stretched old bill time to target other stuff. On the druggie side it'll also give them clean gear. I'm not suggesting HMG start flogging Coke to anyone that fancies it, but Heroin is another matter.
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  18. Missing the point. Its not for the head of a police force to say so, its for politicians and think tanks (or whatever phrase you wish) to as they will need to think of consequences.

    who will pay to set this all up? Doley addicts on the NHS? 'Can I have a gram peas doc, its 2weeks til payday' oh no hold on free prescriptions :rolleyes:

    In a world directed by woody allen its sounds perfect...
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  19. Anyone stupid enough to even just try Herion or smack should be removed from the gene pool immediately. We should not reward them with methadone and our VCR's.
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  20. Politicians? Think tanks? I'd rather take the opinion of a copper thank you. Especially one who's on the front line. Politicians cant even be honest about their expenses. Their policies are based upon votes. Not whats best for us. Plus their policies are tainted by the lobbyists and other interested parties like corporations. Politicians cannot be relied upon to make decisions that are even the least self interested.

    A Police Constable I would listen to. Like I would listen to a Surgeon or a Physicist or the Fireman that told me not to play with matches. A politician would give you a light if they thought they'd get an arsonists vote.
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