Government wants Benefits Claimants to work for their benefits

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. That's going to seriously feck up those claiming who are also working for "cash in hand"
  2. Good! I've worked my arse off my whole life and get taxed to buggery to pay for the welfare state. Did you realise that by far it's the single most costly thing we as a nation pay for. We spend more on benefits than Defence and the NHS combined! If you're fit and able to work then I'd make people work for benefits too. Report to the job centre, chuck them in a van with a litter picker and off you go!
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  3. Steady on old chap, you might hurt somebody`s feelings/violate their human rights etc with that sort of pinko lefty attitude !
  4. They might as well get a 'propper job' then. The long term (don't want a job) brigade, will be up in arms..Good.
  5. Oh well! Many years ago I had a contract job in the Middle East which didn't pan out. I flew home and as nothing was in the pipeline I went to the Job Centre to see what I was entitled too, what with having paid shit loads of tax and never taken a penny back. After standing in the line with a load of work shy twats I was told I was entitled to the grand sum of fuck all! Having worked my arse off and put money away I basically had to spend my savings before I'd get a penny! The poor guy in the job centre was as pissed off about it as I was. I'm all for helping those in need, and are proud that as a country we have a system that does that. What I hate with a fucking passion is people who screw the system. I see it as them stealing off me!
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  6. My experience of Job Centres from a potential employers point of view is abysmal. I used to try the local centre when we had a vacancy but most of the people they put forward didn't even bother showing for an interview and those that did would regularly fail the " hold a mirror just in front of their face to see if they are breathing and can mist it up test" so now we always either use private agencies or advertise in the local papers.
  7. I had exactly the same experience when I had my own buisiness.I had one guy turn up late one morning with the explanation that he had to sign on before coming out to work for me.Sacked him.
    Some while later I had a lady from the Job Centre ring me to ask if I would like some more workers and could she send some suitable candidates along-I told her no thanks.She asked me why and I told her she wouldn't like my reply,she immediately said she understood.
    I now find myself in the position of not being able to work due to ill health-can I get help from the State?No!Am I going to jump through the hoops in the hope of getting help,no.I have to much pride to go with a begging bowl to those who decide whether I am worthy enough.I feel so sorry for those people who need help from the state and have to go through the mill to get help they are genuinelly entitled to.
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  8. I think it is for those on longer term benefits, and quite right too.

    It used to be that you got Unemployment Benefit for 6 months if you had an entitlement thorough NI contributions then you went on Social Security.
  9. It's true that the total bill for benefits is very big. But a large slice of that bill is old age pensions and benefits for children and disabled people. Should they all have to work for benefits? Or only some of them? And who draws the line?
  10. This is the party conference season, in case you haven't noticed. Politicians always have to make a few headline announcements which have been saved up, or made up, to please the faithful of their respective parties at conferences. I wouldn't worry too much about this week's speeches - they are largely froth, and will be forgotten in days.
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  11. the suggestion is that those who are out of work and claiming job seekers allowance for at least 2 years will be asked to work on 'community projects' to be able to claim their benefits.

    not children, or OAPs, or the disabled just those claiming that in 2 years of looking they cannot find a job...
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  12. Getting the long-term, able-bodied unemployed to perform services for the community in return for the benefits would seem to be a reasonable goal, if not a complete no-brainer.
    The practical difficulties involved, though - monitoring, enforcing - will mean the scheme will likely add to the overall cost of unemployment to the taxpayer, at least in the short term. I suspect this is why it never really gets put into effect.

    Sounds brilliant in principle, though.
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  13. I dont have a problem with that. When I was unemployed many many years ago I used to do painting and decorating and/or a spot of gardening for Age Concern. Got a few extra quid added on my dole and helped out some nice old peeps.
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  14. Indeed. So the total cost of welfare is wholly irrelevant to the matter under discussion. It is only that small part of the cost which relates to this category which could (even theoretically) be affected. And as Loz rightly says, such a scheme would cost money to set up and operate whilst saving very little. That's why it will not happen. It is difficult enough to find make-work for people to do who have been sentenced to X hours of community service by the courts, let alone thousands of extra people who have not been sentenced at all.
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  15. Other countries ask the benefit claimers to work for their money, so i don't see anything wrong in doing it here.
    The litter floats anywhere, so a project on that is welcome for a start - and those elderly, who can't shop or cook them selves - they'd be more than happy for your help and really appreciate your efforts.
  16. Fully agree that they should work for benefits but there could be a problem where current low payed jobs are lost to these extra workers.
  17. Feel sorry for the genuine folks who loose their job and have to sign on, there needs to be a system there to help but...... people who see it as a lifestyle choice should be made to sweat and do something for their hand-out. Trouble is many of these people are practically unemployable, they have a crap attitude to work. Saw a guy complaining he couldn't get a job on TV (my tattoo addiction or something like) his whole face was tattooed! Would you give him a job:eek: and yes he still had money for tattoos.
  18. He was certainly a colourful character
  19. Did they not try this "work for dole"malarky a few years back?Seem to think it was against the darlings human rights or something.
  20. It's not against human rights. It's just a totally impractical, unfeasible, dumbass idea. Every few years some bright spark tries to propose it, and it is found to be a hopeless idea all over again. I confidently predict the same policy will be announced again in 2018 - with the same result.
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