Cos it's a fucking frightening scenario seeing someone being murdered, that's why. I've never seen a murder myself, but I've been knifed, and guns pointed at me twice in east London in the dead of night. Trust me, it makes the old sphincter pucker slightly. Would you weigh into two big black blokes covered in blood and brandishing machetes and a gun..?
The woman who went up to one of the murderers should be honoured in the highest way. It was an act of incredible bravery and selflessness.
Fantastic marksman then The fact is thou, the 'truth' of that incident will never come out from an 'official' source
Yes but need others to help and going Rambo on your own wont get you very far.Element of surprise is a big consideration also. If I had a weapon and 20 of you rushed me id be the one shitting myself.I guess It comes down to would you rather go out fighting on your fucking knees begging for mercy. Another factor is fear of the law prosecuting you for getting involved and hurting attacker.Many have found themselves on the wrong side of the law in the past for exactly this.Hense nowadays no one wants to get involved.When my team disarmed people attacking us with these kind of weapons the first thing the cops wanted to know was who cs gassed him and why they had so many serious injuries. They were more interested in prosecting us.We could have called the police I guess but what fucking good are they unless they happen to be on the same road.By the time they arrived we would have been fucked. And yes non of these bystanders had handy item like cs spray but a ton of metal vehicle is also very effective hense these scumbags used one to start there attack. What would it take before you said bollox to this I have to do something here.Maybe if they had started attacking more people bystanders would indeed get involved I hope.As they only attacked one person I bet many thought it might be some gang related problem and thought fuck it non of my business.
Matt, its easy for you to talk about gathering 20 people to 'rush' the bad guys but there are two problems. First would you be able to organise 20 members of the general public and keep the element of surprise, and second, you would probably need to lead from the front so are most likely to get the first chop from the blood stained machette. These are not odds that I would like to take on especailly as, unlike you, I have not been trained in how to disarm cold blooded killers with big knives. Also, I doubt that in such a situation people's first thought is about how they might fall foul of the law. If I managed to do all of the above and disarmed this particular piece of scum I'm afraid my first though would be how much pain I could inflict before a nicer person dragged me off!!!
Good point mate but I do think many previous examples of joe public getting involved only to find themselves getting prosecuted does put many people off helping.Bar the old lady that attacked armed robbers with her handbag.Bless her. If you did as you said and inflicted to much in the eyes of the law you would find yourself in court.Not good if you have a decent job.Getting involved could and often has lead to people being convicted as they went beyond reasonable use of force.Loss of liberty or job and then have to explain to family why you have to sign on instead of being the bread winner. By the way two drunk cunts attacked me and I was the one in court for ABH and affray.Lost my job as I worked in security industry with criminal records checks.In the eyes of the law I should only have used minimal force even though they attacked me.Get this if attacker stops attacking you in the eyes of the law you cannot carry on .I guess its ok if he tried to headbutt you and his friend throwing puches also.I guess as soon as they stopped (ie realised they had fucked with the wrong person) I should have shook there hands and said thanks for that mate.
FYI Mr. figaro I have witnessed murders. I've been on the wrong end of a couple of kickings, locked up in unimaginable circs and been through a mock execution. No need to tell me about sphincter control. You never know the fight or flight instict until you are in situation. I've twice been held at knife point, once I legged it and the other time I chinned the cunt... Then legged it. Had I come accross the situation in question I can honestly say I probably would have done something. I wouldn't have steamed in like Chuck Norris but if I was in my car or it was close by I'd probably have rammed them or something. Keyboard warrior stuff I know.... But I know me too.
No-one, not a single person on that scene thought, 'I wonder if I'll get into trouble if I intervene'. No-one thinks that. You make a snap decision - get the fucker - or - fuck this, I'm outta here. Faced with two blood-stained murderers brandishing weapons I know for absolutely sure which one I'd choose, and I'm no flake.
ain't that the sad, sad truth. The men and women who serve and fight in the name of this country are in my opinion, people who should be admired, respected and thanked. What we need not forget is the loss of Lee Rigby himself, wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time
Think positively please. Maybe, while being too scared to directly confront the killers, they were brave enough to stand by and try to get proof of what had happened.
Fig even if you had a car or motorbike which would make a excellent weapon. I totally disagree about people worrying about the law.I know many people that just keep out of it after reading in the media what happened to people standing up for themselves or others.They now take the view of not my problem. The Scotland airport incident must have been very frightening for those around also but totally different reaction from joe public.I bet would be terrorists would think twice about doing that again after the way bystanders responded.Easier to pick on a softer target.
Im not suggesting anything other than surprise no one got involved. So what would it take before people on here would get involved.
I think you'll struggle to find anyone here willing to take on a murderer brandishing a machete. What it would take is a less extreme scenario.
If it was a old lady getting attacked by two big black guys as you put it with weapons and bloodstained hands what would your reaction be. Would you A run off and shit yourselves or B do something to help even if that meant running the fuckers over as they have weapons to hand and you are unarmed. All I saw was a pathetic 6 inch hachete by the way not like they had 3 foot long samurai swords.I guess everyone has there limits.Id shit myself for sure if they started opening up with fully automatic firearms.
Matt, you obviously understand the law from post #28, whether you choose to follow it or not is up to you.
When people attack me I don't choose.My martial arts training kicks in for some reason. Hense when one of my attackers started to pick himself off the floor I UFC stamp kicked him until he was out cold again.Gave me the opportunity to get away safely without being stabbed in the back etc etc. The judge said usualy my ass would have gone straight to jail but he took into consideration they had attacked me first.Also helped that both my attackers refused to turn up for court. Oh sorry there were three but the third had been set upon by bystanders.Aparantly my violence on the other two encouraged them.FFS like they haven't got a mind of there own.