Describe what biking means to you.................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. one word :smile:

    I'll start.............adrenaline :smile:
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  2. :smile:Therapy
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  3. freedom
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  4. being a juggler.
  5. Like Glidd, FREEDOM !!!
  6. Friendships!
  7. Escape
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  8. +1, plus guaranteed seat :smile:
  9. Solitude
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  10. I have not been a "biker" for years, just track use now. Race and Trackdays. That means I dont have to put with the majority of "biker" tossers.................
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  11. just pit floozys and hangers on.
  12. Kickass!!!!! God I look good in my leathers..........pmsl
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  13. It makes this grumpy middle aged git feel like a teenager again
  14. Bradders is ok................:tongue:
  15. Usually contentment.... lately, fear
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  16. Solitude. Serenity. Focus. Selfish joy. Colossal power yet moments of utter contentment pottering; observing the world.

    That's my last spliff for the evening I promise.

    ...and sheer, unadulterated, FUN!
  17. Joy.
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  18. It does make me chuckle to wind on the power, but it's the ability riding gives you to cast off your responsibilities and worries and just to enjoy that particular moment. I like being alone, where I can talk to myself, loudly if I want, let off a bit of pressure. Even in a group you're on your own. It's just a release.
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