What’s Your Average Muslim to do?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stevie Tea, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. [FONT=&quot]After every Islamist atrocity a bunch of well-meaning Muslim leaders pop up and denounce the deeds of the radical Muslims and then, once the fuss had died down, disappear back into the woodwork. Is it time for the moderate, majority of Muslims to be more proactive in their approach to the problem and if so what should they be doing?[/FONT]
  2. My understanding is that there is no collective Muslim voice, only individuals under leaders at the local mosque.
  3. There is the Muslim Council of Britain which seems to be a fairly large organisation and could certainly put its self forward to be more proactive in some way.

    I would have thought that there is a very strong need for them to do something for the general good of everyone to try and stop these attacks but also for the good of the Muslim community which according to recent polls is not trusted by a quarter of young people.
  4. What they SHOULD be doing is co-operating with the police... There is no way that "radicalised" members of their community go completely un-noticed. As long as they see the police as an enemy; a white, Christian, oppressor; nothing will change. Of course the police don’t always help themselves on that score…
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  5. [h=2]What’s Your Average Muslim to do?[/h]
    Open a kebab shop and serve turkey as ham. Feckers....................
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  6. They could start thinking for themselves, drop the ridiculous delusions, and maybe join the Council of Ex-Muslims. For a start.
    Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
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  7. Quite right, they should, and sometimes it seems as though they don't. But either way that’s just reacting to events. Why aren't they being more proactive and shouting from the roof tops that they don't like what is being done in their name? Why not run a public awareness campaign to tell everyone that they do not agree with the terrorist organisations and activities or issue some form of symbol that could be worn or put on a car sticker that show the wearer/driver denounces the violence carried out in the name of Islam (similar to the pink ribbon of the breast cancer awareness campaign). For most of the time they seem to sit around and do nothing while the radicals claim to be working on behalf of the majority of Muslims (see this interview http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22650053). No one seems to challenge the radicals up front, they seem to be allowed to make their assertions and no one challenges them. They seem to be allowed to twist the words of the Koran and yet main stream Islam sits back and lets them carry on without challenge. If a Christian did that they would be accused of insulting the prophet!
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  8. I thought the security services had stopped many terrorists or radicals recruiting others due to information received from the MUSLIM COMMUNITY.
  9. One can only hope that they do, but I think you will have to wait another few hundred years. Till then they need to protect their religion from being high jacked by the unscrupulous in the same way that Christianity was by so many kings and emperors of Europe.
  10. Every single day an atrocity happens somewhere in the world in the name of Allah and a lot does go unreported or get very little media coverage

    For example
    New day, new Jihadi massacre. Now in Nigeria - The Commentator

    BBC News - Pakistani Christians protest against church bombing in Peshawar

    Rarely if ever do we hear the Muslim man on the street denounce all this shit. Problem is we are heading towards Planet Islam. I don't have an problems with someone's skin colour or what they believe it but seeing these retarded fuck wits doing the things they do in the name of Allah makes me hate (yes I said hate) Islam and all it stands for. They say its the minority spoiling it for the majority but I cant hear a peep from the majority so if I don't see them against it I see them with it.
  11. The inaction of the majority is what allows the minority to continue their actions...
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  12. stop believing in fairy stories and flying horses and move out of the dark ages.
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  13. Maybe they should base their approach today on the precedent christianity has created over the last two thousand years?

    Perhaps they are, but with the assistance of modern technology.

    All religion is bunkum, all practitioners are deluded, some are more dangerous than others.
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  14. I see the Muslima matrimonials website is advertised on this thread. I haven't looked, but does anyone know if you can specify levels of subservience?
  15. On average .......they get smacked up on katt and run towards the bored , dehydrated , over patrolled , underpaid , but well trained war machine in search of seventy two virgins .....those that aren't quite so smashed run away and hide in the nearest compound and wait for the jdams and apaches etc , survivors are taken too the immigration desk at heathrow
  16. Here's the problem. Western liberalism v Islam extremism.

    I'm searching ebay right now for a burka as the missus will soon need one and if I can't find a burka, a Gurkha will do....
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  17. Awesome I'm gonna make pixie role play a Gurkha ..........

    #17 duke1276, Oct 1, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2013
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  18. Most folks pick em out of Big Macs & throw em away!
  19. What's your average Muslim to do?

    What's an average Muslim? The whole idea of some integrated Muslim community is a load of old toot (©Hellcat). The Shias hate the Sunnis and vice versa not to mention the other factions. The Syrian refugees aren't trying to settle in other Muslim countries, they all want to come to France and the UK or Scandinavia. The oil rich states do nothing for refugees. The Egyptians, apparently, open fire on Syrian refugees (according to French or Swiss new yesterday).

    So is the average Muslim someone who believes in genital mutilation for women? Headscarves and veils? Arranged virginal marriages?

    As with any religious person, those who take it really seriously are nutty. The only reasonable people of any faith are those who bin half the dogma - i.e., they are half way to enlightenment.
  20. There's a hell of a lot of stereotypical bullshit and prejudice on this thread. :wink:
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