Ed Miliband vs the Daily Mail

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Has anybody seen this? Now I'm no fan of Eddy, but well done him. For too long the Daily Mail has stood on its f-ing soap box and preached utter shite to whoever will listen/read it, but how utterly senseless and stupid are the editorial team down there.
    Here's Eddies responce on the BBC website
    BBC News - Ed Miliband accuses Daily Mail over 'lie' about father
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  2. Sue them. It's the only thing they understand.
  3. Can't slander the dead and the dead can't sue.
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  4. Yep, saw this and unaccountably felt sympathy for the Millipede. I hope he spanks the Daily Wail, good 'n' proper.

    Even David Maccaroon expressed a measure of support for Ed.
  5. The Flail alleged that the made-up stuff about Milliband Snr has affected Milliband, Jnr's political direction. There be libel, right there, with a live body who can sue.
  6. The only people who read the fail are right wing rabid racist xenophobe's. Their opinions do not matter one jot. A more reactionary knee jerk rag you will not find. Its not like they let a little matter like the truth stand in the way of them fleecing the racist readership it has.
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  7. I cant abide the Daily Mail or Ed Miliband, I hope it goes to court and they both lose!
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  8. He would be a fool to do so. It would be a no win situation for him.
  9. Try telling that to Joseph Goebbels
  10. A colleague resorted to trying to use the newspaper when he ran out of toilet paper on a camping holiday.

    He found the Daily Mail was no good for the job as it was full of shit before he used it.
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  11. Indeed.

    As it is, the publicity surrounding the issue ought to enough to damage The Mail's laughable reputation even further. One hopes.
  12. While I cant stand the Mail at all you are not correct. Some of their readers are quite nice people I`m sure, certainly not all rabid racist xenophobes. Their opinions matter too as quite a lot vote regularly. There are plenty of reasons to dislike the Mail, there are also plenty of reasons to dislike the left wing papers and broadcasters.
    On a bit of a tangent, look at the delight in some quarters when Mrs Thatcher died. A lot of people would argue that Blair and Brown were far worse for the country than Thatcher ever was but I cant imagine any on the right buying a record to celebrate their deaths or having street parties.
    Bit of balance would be good don't you think ?
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  13. Daily Mail? Helps to counter balance the BBC's laughable left wing bias. God help this country if people, like some of you above, have such short memories of left wing incompetance in borrowing too much to give voters what they want so that they can get and keep in power that they can't see that what this country needs right now is a government to do what is needed to pay our left wing generated debts which this country never could afford. If you think times are tough and/or not to your liking you ain't seen nothing yet if Labour gets into power.
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  14. This is hilarious. Great wind-up, mate.
  15. Daily Mail, short term memory? Sounds like the ideal time to remind us all of their position regarding those lovely Nazis...
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  16. Come on, be fair, vile fascist nutcases need a paper to read too, don't they? So the Daily Mail serves a purpose - that of a sump.
  17. Is it just me ? Every time I see the Millichild I think of "Pitt the younger" from Blackadder III... "Leader of the opposition? Oh come on... What, young snotty here? When I was at school we used to line up four or five of his sort, make them bend over and use them as a toast-rack..."
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  18. Yes, last Labour lot pretty useless. But for perspective, on Newsnight last night they showed that for only 5 years, I think it was, in the last 50 did the government run a surplus. Don't remember Labour being in power for 45 of those years.

    Mind you, if it was on Newsnight, it was probably all lies owing to the laughable BBC left wing bias.
  19. Freedom of the press is paramount. Democracy, the Commons, the Lords and all associated procedures, equally so.

    Unfortunately, there are folks in all camps that push the boundaries to the limits, sometimes genuinely for the common good, other times to satisfy their own inflated egos or to inflate the coffers or prospects of the organisation they work for.

    Me, I love riding my Diavel? Simples!
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  20. I took great delight in Thatchers death. I also took umbrage that we paid for her funeral. Which was a conservative rally call at our expense. Whilst I would not interfere with the mourning and/or upset her friends and family during that time, privately I was satisfied that she had died at last. I only wished it had been sooner and involved the same amount of suffering she caused many millions in the UK. Some say she lost her mind at the end. I'd say she lost it in the 80's.

    This is very very emotive. I know that. Many will not support my view. I understand that. She was very much a marmite politician. Her followers just cannot see that. I detest her with a fury and everything she stood for.

    Anyway The Mail is read by my Aunt. Who is a lovely person and I love her dearly but she is also a rabid racist xenophobe.
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