Google Chrome?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Have you got it? If so type in the Google search field "Do a barrel roll" :upyeah:
  2. ..whooa....:biggrin:
  3. *mind blown*
  4. Just look for Easter Eggs using Google for more fun
  5. Does nothing for me. Not in IE, Google Chrome or Firefox.

    Is it meant to?
  6. "Do a barrel roll" is known as an 'Easter Egg'

    There are various ones embedded in software. If you have Google Earth then there is a flight simulator embedded in it (press Ctrl+Alt+A)
  7. I just googled "chrome" -what's meant to happen?
  8. Jeez those developers have WAYYYY to much time on their hands....maybe I should ask for their help with the Superbike move :)
  9. I do hope you're taking the piss :smile:
  10. I have just un-installed Chrome as it was slowing EVERYTHING down. No gimmicks will re-ignite the love sadly...

    Come back Firefox, all is forgiven!
  11. I think it works on Firefox too. But not in IE.
  12. :biggrin:
  13. Anyone else annoyed by the improvements?
    I don't want my most visited sites added to a new tab! Grrrr...!!!:mad:
    • Like Like x 1

  14. as if, sir, as if.........
  15. dont most browsers do that trick? i know firefox does and google on android...
  16. Nope - just Google and Firefox as far as I know
  17. i think its one of series of 'jokes' that google have put onto their search pages, such as 'anagram' etc, so its the search engine itself rather than the browser.
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