Travelling back to my yard today,(the "B" road to the yard is used by the Police for training quite a lot,bikes/cars etc),lots of blue flashing lights.Road is opposite Langford water tower towards Potton. One VERY bent BMW,2 or 3 on sidestands Bike Policeman on the stretcher didn't look at all well.He was with his mates and an ambulance already there so no point in me stopping. I really hope he's ok,poor feller Anyone on here who might know more,I'd be interested in any update
riding with PhilB down the A272 on Monday we were both surprised to see 4 'boys in yellow' cranked well over while cornering at around 90 heading towards us - two nodded at me! - I did nod back. ^ I hope it's not as bad as it looked.
As there was three or four of them,I suspect it was a training ride. Give them their due,they really get a march on down that road,but never seen a shunt on it involving one of them It's as bumpy as buggery in places,so really good fun at not too high a speed...80/90 is as brave as I've ever been Matey on the stretcher was a good 20m into the field,they might have carried him there though if they were waiting for an air ambulance I'm no fan of the filth,but a human being is a human being....I don't like to see suffering tbh
probably not excessive speed, and something to do with the weight of their RT's somewhere in region of 350+ kilo's before the rider even gets on
hmmmm...he was probably on the wrong side of the law (speeding) and then on the wrong side of the hedge. An own fault accident i appropriate speed on a bumpy road, riding in a group beyond his limit....we've all been there...unfortunately he's become another statistic...lets hope he's not badly the end of a day, a biker is a biker, and he may be a good bloke when he isnt wearing a tit on his head.
Unlikely to be rider error, more likely fuel or oil on the road. Hope the rider is okay and as Nick says, never nice to see a rider go down. Rider first, police second in my book
I've always held police riders in the highest esteem. Indeed, one of their number taught me how to ride properly. But that was until I went on tour with a bike cop - he was crap, to be blunt. Still, not everyone can be a riding god I suppose, and most of them are far better than me. We're all here but for the grace of god, perhaps this guy's luck just run out.