For some reason i didnt receive one last month, but sure enough, first few days of October and im back in the system!!! Its one of my favourites, the "What to expect in Court", sent to 'the legal occupier'..hahaha....ive got a few of these...if i remember correctly the next one will have the intimidating red stripes down the sides..ive amassed quite a nice collection in my thinking about doing a blog/vlog...ive saved over £1000 by not paying my licence...not bad.. Im just desperate for them to pop round instead of just giving me empty threats about their 'investigations', 'official warnings' (how can they 'warn me of anything...surely its just a notice??)...all under BBC's trademark 'TVL', used under license by Capita... Here's a few reasons why i will never buy a TV license for those you'd like to flame me: 1) Theyve knowingly employed and covered up the crimes of paedophiles for at least 30 years. They even broadcast tributes to Savile KNOWING that there was an investigation into him, and KNOWING that there was evidence against him, and KNOWING about his behaviour within the organistation for decades...never mind Jonathan King, Stuart Hall, Glitter and the rest that are now all under suspicion. 2) Employing criminals...where do you start? that geezer who scammed the social for £24k whilst working on Rogue Traders? 3) Running fake competitions and rigged phone lines including Children In Need...who knows how much of our money theyve stolen? 4) They have accepted money from private corporations, and also sell news to other agencies. This is against UK law but they have never been brought to book. 5) Shoddy journalism, reporting false news and lies. 6) Enormous pay offs and pay When George Entwistle the Director General was caught out over the Newsnight scandal and resigned he was given almost £500k to walk...he held the job for 54 days...not forgetting Mark Byford who walked with nearly a million, Caroline Thomson £675,000..then there was the scandal that broke a couple of weeks ago about further pay offs of lower graded staff, totaling several millions.. 7) Selling programmes abroad that were paid with by your TV license money..for instance Top Gear, Blue PLanet, Doctor Who etc etc ..these make BBC Worldwide millions upon millions of pounds..not to mention any associated merchandise, publishing and syndication...this is a private company with shareholders, yet YOU are paying for it by being conned and lied and intimidated into paying...this is a criminal act and they are at the very least, obtaining money by deception. 8) Threatening behaviour: they send these nasty letters threatening people, most of whom dont realise they are simply empty threats..they send ignorant, aggressive and intimidating people to your door to sell you a licence or bully money out of you...yet theses scum have no more legal powers than someone selling clothes pegs, despite threats of search warrants...would you let someone in who wanted to check and see if you were using a washing machine?? i have many other reasons but these will do ... i think i might have to give them a ring and report myself just to get some goons on camera!!!!
I'm of a similar opinion but just for slightly different reasons. whilst I think 'some' BBC coverage is good I'm under no false illusion that it's all being done for the benefit of the UK public. in this modern age I should be given the decision as to who I want to give money to unless its tax. If it is tax then I've at least got some say (or attempted say) in how that money gets used and whether I want to vote the 'head of tax' in to power. the bbc pays millions of £'s a year to presenters and actors whom I despise, there are literally 100's of people employed by BBC that I don't give a monkeys about (the aforementioned presenters/DJ's/Actors) and as you've said, they make money off selling products that I/we've all paid for over seas and when has anybody ever asked you who you'd like to see on the bbc, what you'd like covered etc etc? its a digital age, cable tv etc are here and won't be going anywhere. the bbc is an old hat institution that sits and gets fat off forced taxation but runs like a private company and its plain and simple wrong. the facts are, all the people I do like from the bbc will easily still survive with other broadcasters, I think if they really rate themselves that much then they should give people the option. pay for bbc or happily not and have the channel blocked on your sky system. i know which I'd choose
it isnt run like a private company, it IS a private company..BBC Worldwide Ltd is the largest media company in the world, eclipsing the likes of CNN, SKY etc... Top Gear (to mention just one programme, never mind sport, royal bullshit and everything else that they exclusive rights to for no apparent reason),is syndicated around the world, it is also the most repeated television programme in the world, earning them more moneyt..they paid Clarkson over £50million for his share and something like £20 million to Andy Willman so that they would be the majority shareholder in the private company (pwned by Clarkson/Wilman) that made in collaboration..then theres the magazine, toys, merchandise, books, DVD's etc etc...where does that money go?? not back to you dear license payer....where does the money come from to make these tv shows..? Auntie Beeb?? get fooked.... Theyre a scum organisation that has been stealing from the public for years, telling them lies about detector vans, threatening fines WITHOUT evidence (which is against the law: Bill of Rights to be exact), and assuming youre breaking the law....scumbags.
And when you're wrong you're wrong. If you regard paying taxes as optional, presumably you withhold your income tax, VAT, council tax, and car tax as well. In which event before too long you will be up in court on a long list of charges, like other tax evaders before you. Good luck with that.
The BBC was fined £400k by Ofcom for fiddling viewers. Who pays that fine ? Yep, the viewers through the licence fees. Marvellous BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Record fine over BBC's phone-ins youre saying the licence IS a tax?? if you want to fund paedophilia, criminality, incompetance etc then be my guest. the TV licence isnt law and im not paying not sure how you made the quantum leap to income tax etc but that is a straw man and we both know it. interesting... incidentally, it is illegal for a citizen of our country to pay monies to any organisation known to be involved in criminal activity. as such, they are committing a crime by providing financial support. heres an extract from the Bill of Rights Act 1689, enacted and formally entered into Statute following the Declaration of Rights 1689. "That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void". ie, to demand money or threaten to fine someone with no evidence, or for committing no crime is illegal..this is one of a myriad of illegal practices conducted by the BBC. not paying a tv license is not a criminal act, it is not even law. Furthermore, and excuse my digression, but a case was won whereupon a citizen of England refused to pay any of his taxes and demonstrated that to do so was to be providing financial support to the government who were conducting an illegal war in the Middle East. So before you say im wrong, or imply i dont pay income tax or am a criminal, please do some research and at least treat me with some manners.
In which case I'm paying no one. Some one in the govt is corrupt, therefore I don't have to pay; bound to be some in HMRC on the take, so no tax for me thanks; buying a car? Wonder how many of the Front line staff have nicked the occasional part or been prosecuted for a drunken night out. Cool free cars What with than and my £3m home for £500 a month I cant see what everyone is worried about?!
The TV licence is a scam. I pay it only because I do not trust my wife to say the right thing if she opens the door. What do we get from the BBC? A total waste of money, privatise it and see if the total trash they produce turns a profit.
hey if you want to pay for people like George Entwistle thats fine by me....if youre happy funding the paedophile racket and it makes you happy then go for it..if you think its okay for Dan Penteado to be a doley scrounger, screwing the benfits system for £24k whilst presenting on Rogue Traders, be my guest....if you want to put money into a private company or receive threatening letters thats your choice...if you think its okay for a private company to send representatives round to try and scare you into giving them money, well its a free country...dont think though, that everyone else who has started to wake up is a fool...a fool is the person who swallows this crap..who thinks that the detector vans are real, the handhelds are real...who thinks that TVL is a government department.... Im exercising my rights not to be ripped off and lied to, and i personally wouldnt sleep at night, knowing that my licence money had made into the pockets of people like Mark Byford, or Jonathan King... Theyre laughing at you and you dont even know it....
I've been receiving demands to buy a TV licence at my business address, where I don't have and never have had a TV. The tone of the letters gets my goat as they are very aggressive and accusatory. For years they have been threatening to send an enforcement officer round but never have. After a while the letters stop for a year or so and then the cycle begins again. I reluctantly pay for a licence at home (reluctantly because of the attitude in the business address letters) which I hardly watch and what's on is shite anyway. Under the circumstances I'd happily not buy one and tell the inspector to fook off if they call but as per a previous poster, the Wife would likely own up/let them in etc. if she were at home when they called...
I never paid the licence fee for years and years , had all those letters ,then the stupid woman I'm married too got scared they'd call around when I was away so she paid it ,making them change it to her name so she became the licence holder. Here in Guernsey they threaten us but I'm of the opinion I pay a Sky subscription and they provide me with the BBC channels ,if they (bbc) don't like it then they should scramble their channels so only those who pay can subscribe. Besides the licence fee has officially ben declared a tax by the UK government , we being an independent government under EU law arnt liable to pay taxes to another jurisdiction . All explained to my wife but she is shit scared of the knock at the door. Rest in piss bbc