BBC ordered to provide the names of 150 senior staff given huge payoffs after quitting BBC ordered to name the 150 bosses who were secretly given huge payoffs after quitting « TV Licence Resistance
careful people, the big fonts are being brought out now - its getting serious surely, with a stance such as this, the only real way to 'make a difference' is to go public with your stance and profile, and invite the 'establishment' to sue you/take you to court, to give your stance and held views the 'oxygen of publicity' and test your beliefs/rationales in a court of law. That might get others rallying to your cause, and hence bring on change, or the debate of change. on the other hand, if you dont like prison food, then you may want to make that stance public the day after you leave on your round the world travels, and come back into the country a few months later quietly!! good luck
if she opened the door camera at the ready they'd probably scarper. at the sight of a camera they usually piss off, no further action taken. you can always remove their implied rights of access too, or simply refuse to open the door. Convictions are only EVER secured in court by the production of a signed form (AB15 i believe its called)...ive researched this and havent found a SINGLE case where evidence has been produced in court from a camera/detector of any sort. Convictions are secured by confession. Confession is secured by fear and intimidation/threats of search warrants. More than 3/4 of convictions are against single parent mothers (soft target). The 'inspector' receives a £20 commission for each licence he sells at the door. They are self employed. Turn over is high because the job is so vile and soul destroying...who would work for a paedophile ring? only scum. who would try and trick someone into a confession? They do not know if you even own a TV yet the threats and bullying and harrassing continue unabated..even when if people are stupid enough to let them in and they have no TV, the letters and threats continue...these people are scum. like this 'man'..a TVL goon who raped a single woman she let him into her home: BBC News - Middlesbrough TV licence man jailed for rape
Just been on the TV licensing website and they are still going on about TV detector vans!! I thought that myth was put to bed with Santa claus and the Easter bunny. I'd happily cancel my TV license and let the fuckers sing for it
Clever? On another note I never filled out the census form, Mrs C was going mad I told her to pipe down I remember saying "Who's gonna come round the fucking cenus police?" 2 days later the census police are at my door but I was out. Mrs C shit herself took another form but I binned it and never heard anything again
same here...they came round, i sent em on their way..never heard another dickey bird...the records are held by Lockheed Martin by the way...a US aviation and military armaments company.
hehehe.. one of many classics online.. BBC TV Licensing goon FAILS yet again to get the upper hand! Cancel your licence now! - YouTube
hahahahahahaha BBC TV licensing goons caught bothering UK households - YouTube this lowlife is all over t'interweb.. here he is trying to search a house with the police in tow...who, as usual, dont know the law, but get schooled and sent packing. BBC TV Licence Goons Fail To Issue Search Warrant - YouTube
here's mr.lowlife again..i love this video.. as a commentator posts on youtube, 'its hard to believe in your Country in 2013 you can have this kind of thing going on, its like the Germans looking for Jews during the war.' quite... BBC TV Licence Man fiddling about - YouTube i wouldnt let these scum into my house.... or the guys who were caught peeking into a 9 yr old girls bedroom with binoculars from across the street in an unmarked van.. 2 TV licensing voyeurs look through 9 yo girls bedroom window (Lancashire).avi - YouTube or the fake detector van thats been spotted all over the country (one of only 9 registered in the UK, all of which are registered as minibuses and all serviced by the same company)....he soon drives off when he realises he's been sussed... hey, and theres fekk all in the back...surprise surprise..nothing except maybe his lacked lunch... tv licencing detector van sunderland 07062012 - YouTube
heres a great resource for those wanting to save money and stop being ripped mans 7 years licence free court, no fines, no scare mongery bullshit that so many seem to fall for... Letters from BBC Television Licensing/intro do you think they'll take him to court?? Yeah right... "Good luck with that"... maybe he's a tax evader who doesnt pay his income tax, or car tax....maybe he's a criminal, or a doley..or maybe, he's just a normal working bloke who has woken up, seen through the lies and has not been taken in by this scam and laughs off the derision of the know it alls?
breathe the free air.. TV Licensing: TV Licensing Correspondence put the money in a pot and in a few years, treat yourself to a nice holiday...better in your pocket than the Savile estate, or the blood suckers walking off with £1000000 pay cheques of your money..being paid off for their incompetence and criminal activity. If not, keep paying and be happy...i hope it works out for you.. "Good luck with that"
It is a bit sad to see an otherwise fairly sensible chap getting obsessive, ranting and raving, posting nonsense, and trying to justify tax evasion. Let us hope the syndrome does not spread to other areas. Hey ho. In any event the BBC will survive a tiny percentage of refuseniks.