Fack work!... Seriously thinking of going on my own!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. I'm actually quite surprised that this thread got so many responses!... There are some great comments here, and I'll look into contracting. I posted the thread after a glass of wine or two, and was regretting it a bit this morning...

    anyway, we had to waste time today in a meeting where I really embarrassed said bint, who in the end admitted that she had never done this type of work before. Her manager was in the meeting, and did not look impressed, whereas mine was grinning from ear to ear!... I'm sure it will drag on, but a nice small victory battle in yhe ongoing war!... :upyeah::upyeah:
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  2. Lol I have been thinking of this for a while now, I'm going down to Cornwall next week to look for some premises, I have my house up for sale and as soon as it sells I will be moving to Cornwall, so fingers crossed I will be opening up a coffee shop. Total different career path but you only live once and I don't want to regret not trying it out
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  3. Must've been a shit job.......
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  4. Yep..........Frinton On Sea would do quite nicely....................

    Plus it would aggravate the hell out of the local snobs.

  5. Learn how to make proper Cornish Pasties first...........

  6. radi- go buy a copy of 'the prince' by Niccolò Machiavelli

    it should give you some ideas about how to deal with said bint, you never have to act on the them but its serious catharsis dreaming up dastardly schemes to get her back
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  7. Cream teas first
  8. I had twenty years of corporate bollocks, fricking break out groups to discuss brand values, three letter acronyms for everything, hundreds of tossy emails everyday, got to a stage where I had enough of it, packed it in in 2006 bought in to a small independent company and never looked back!
  9. What do you do now?
  10. Residential Sales & Lettings Agent, used to be a Area Director for one of the large corporates.
  11. No idea what that means, but glad youre in a happier place :smile:
  12. debt collection door knocka me thinks lol
  13. :tongue::tongue: now that I understand :upyeah:
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