Describe what biking means to you.................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Living in the moment is something we don't do enough of.
    • Like Like x 3
  2. T'aint peaceful in my lid when it's all going off...
  3. inner contentment
  4. ... and it makes this grumpy elderly git feel middle aged again.
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  5. This thread alone is making me feel younger...
  6. 60 is the new 40 Pete, please tell me it is true.
  7. problem.jpg

    My new t-shirt. :upyeah:

    • Like Like x 3
  8. oneness

  9. As others have said, freedom, solitude, I like the loneliness of riding a bike! in a world of iPhones and interruptions, once your helmet is on it's your own selfish world, unless of course you're stupid enough to have a Bluetooth intercom and the misses on the back! :rolleyes:
    • Like Like x 4
  10. Get your motor runnin'
    Head out on the highway
    Lookin' for adventure
    And whatever comes our way
    Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
    Take the world in a love embrace
    Fire all of your guns at once
    And explode into space

    I like smoke and lightning
    Heavy metal thunder
    Racin' with the wind
    And the feelin' that I'm under
    Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
    Take the world in a love embrace
    Fire all of your guns at once
    And explode into space

    Like a true nature's child
    We were born, born to be wild
    We can climb so high
    I never wanna die

    Born to be wild
    Born to be wild
  11. Yeah baby
  12. me :biggrin:
  13. a pointy bird
    a pointy pointy
    annoint my head in 1990

    1st thing that entered my head
    when I thought of biking
    #36 Phill, Oct 2, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
  14. Were you on medication?
    • Like Like x 2
  15. :) silly fun
    #38 Phill, Oct 3, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
  16. To me, its all dependant on the road/traffic. I can go for a ride and wish I had not bothered or I can have a big grin. Sadly, the congestion only ever increases. France/Italy/Spain, love it!
  17. Surely you must ride in North Wales Mr Wolf. It's on your/our doorstep. Congestion? What congestion?
    Ogwen Valley - YouTube
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