
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, May 26, 2012.


Should we filter out swearing

Poll closed Jun 25, 2012.
  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    61 vote(s)
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  1. I need a swear filter at work... one of the little lads I work with its 30 swear words in every ten minutes on a good day lol....
  2. language used on this forum should reflect the real world use of words

    is a particular members language is a problem, then the member is the problem rather than the language
  3. Ammended for ya monseur C

    swearing doesn't offend me,visual images do i.e. blokes with fucking hairy arsed big guts hanging out for a beer :eek:
    You know who you are barstard. lol.and lol again.
    #63 peter james, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  4. Hi Peter,

    I'm not quite with you on who your referring to with that one....can you narrow it down a bit :biggrin:
  5. That's it, pick on the fat kid :mad:
  6. yeah, but to be fair, it's not pretty
  7. PMSL.....

    I'm just relieved it's not me he ment! :biggrin:
  8. Well when you live with an ex soldier you get used to hearing swearing!!!! I don't Think that anyone on this forum abuses the swearing dictionary so dont think there is a need for filtering.........
  9. Damn you Pixie what is is it with avatars I see yours then I imagine you turning round and you turn into Figaro :mad:
  10. I really got ya, huh..?
  11. No one got better thing to do?
  12. Who needs swear words when you have pictures....

    Jeremy Hunt.jpg

    Jeremy Hunt.jpg
  13. You gotta greaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttt asssssssssss!!!!
  14. Butch told me the same when I met him:upyeah:
  15. Hiya Pixie, hope you don`t mind, figured that`s what you really meant :upyeah:
    Agreed,`tis a nice picture you have. Perhaps Rob could let you have a bigger avatar, its hurting my eyes trying to read whats on it, honest! :wink:

    As for the swearing. I`m pretty much ok with anything, as long as its not used to insult anyone personally on a forum, now face to face is a different matter.

    Funny thing about swearing for me, at work it can be every other word but at home, never, no matter what.
  16. Just re-read one of the treads I contributed too where I swore ... I guess I expected an automatic swear filter to kick in rather than I type in xxxx or xxxxx manually :)

    At the end of the day you can walk past a kids playground and hear new swear words but I'd lean towards not letting totally gratuitous swearing dominate, hey a swear word is supposed to be for special occasions when you are angry or annoyed, if you use it all the time it loses its meaning ... heh.
  17. It's been 4-1 in favour of no filter for some days now, so it seems that we are all responsible adults (officer).
    Job done. Sanity prevails.
  18. Thank god!

    To be honest even when people dont see eye to eye and go for it, who cares? The overall tone and content is excellent and thats what really counts.
  19. So, who the **** had the last ******* word here?
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