Wasn't there a news story recently that 10% of all cases in the county courts was for failure to pay the BBC License fee ?
I only watch TV for escapism. Like watching Moto gp or some film. I realised many years ago that the BBC is just a propaganda machine preaching to the window licking masses who believe what they see and hear. Look further a field and you quickly realise the selective reporting that is fed to the aforementioned. I only pay my license fee because I neither have the time nor the inclination to deal with the interruption to my life that not paying will present.
I think most people take Funkys ranting raving and dribbling at the mouth with a pinch of salt to be honest.
Question for Funky: On the weblink you posted, the guy who has documented stuff about not paying the licence fee, he says it is in fact law to pay it - as contained in an Act of Parliament. Can you explain the basis for this, and the basis for your assertion that it doesn't have to be paid. As a non-resident, obviously my interest is purely academic. I get the fact that you don't want to pay it. I get the fact that you don't think you should pay it. I get the fact that the collection system seems to be staffed by sad little people who probably don't want to be doing their vile job, and a few gauleiters who enjoy the aggro. I get the fact that the vans probably have nothing in them What I don't get yet, is the legal basis for opting out of paying. Can you explain?
I think it comes down to it being an act of parliment. an act is not a law. they are different. but either way you cant 'opt out' lol but I think if you get caught the end result is the same imho lol
When I was in my council flat if they where stupid enough to enter the block they would soon be on there toes.Nothing more satisfying than giving them a taste of there own medicine. I used to tell the inspector to fuck off while he still has the option to walk away instead of the ambo's stretchering him out. For some reason they never really entered that block of flats after a while. Loved living there to be honest and my only one bad memory was when one of the residents went mad and went to the primary school over the road and started attacking staff and children with a machete.
Much as I disagree with the TV tax Could I really be arsed with the hassle for the sake of 40p a day! You cant even buy a packet of crisps for that
"Law" is a broad word which includes Acts of Parliament in the UK, as well as several other types of laws. An "Act" is part of the law.
I thought that the licence fee was to allow you to use a receiver, the fact the the government then give that money to the bbc is a separate issue.
Didnt you read my original post? no doubt any reasons will be torn to shreds and be the subject of piss taking but there are many..As ive already explained, it is illegal to supply funds to a company that you know are involved in illegal acts. the pursuit of money with the threats of fines and legal action prior to any evidence gathering or without any viable suspicion of 'wrong doing' is against the law..therefore, the nasty, threatening letters that are sent to people are actually unlawful. It is known that the BBC accept substantial payments from the EU. This is in contravention to the Royal Charter of the BBC, and comes under the Treason & Felony Act 1848...there are many standard, legal letters available online, which numerous people have sent to the BBC advising them of the same..their names are withdrawn from the TVL lists as a consequence. The basis for broadcast and telegraphy act is unsound, and has no legal basis under common law. Capita who collect money on behalf of the BBC have no contract with suspected 'evaders'. As such, no one is under any obligation to contract with them either verbally or in writing. They have no legal power whatsoever. The theatre that people fall for is actually a fraudbtaining money by deception. A Warrant can only be issued upon presentation to a court of evidence that a person is breaking the law. The warrant must contain a wet ink signature (signed by a magistrate, in person, not an esignature or clerk etc)...the execution of these warrants are not lawful as the BBC have no way of gathering any evidence until theyve either received your consent, admission or both..they are no other means of detection.. Its worth the 10 seconds of inconvenience that it may take to tell some nosey stranger to piss off should they come snooping on my door and save myself £150 a year or whatever it is..ive saved well in excess of £1000... A police officer cannot allow a scumbag to force entry as you have not been guilty of any 'crime', so if plod are at your front door, they can only act to prevent a breach of the peace....the very fact that a toe rag is knocking on your door in the first place with no evidence other your name not being on a list as licensed does not constitute evidence. if this is the basis upon which a warrant has been requested or granted than there has been an attempt to pervert the carriage of justice or a false application has been made. What people cant get through their thick skulls is that TVL (trading name of BBC), even if they caught a person watching TV by looking through the window still have to establish who that person is, and that they are watching a live broadcast. it is not illegal to own a TV capable of receiving live television as many think (even some of the scum goons, who are as ignorant of the 'act' as 99% of the population).. A summons cannot be issued to 'the legal occupier'..so when people spout crap about 'youll end up in court', they are talking utter bollocks because they believe the nonsense thats espoused as truth and fact. remember, not one person has ever been convicted by any means other than an admission and signature on the AB15 form.
Taken from a legal site: Acts are made by the consensus between the two parts of a bicameral legislature for example, a law however may (for example in the United Kingdom) be made by an "enabling act" allowing a government minister to make sets of rules sometimes compiled with experts in the field, impractiable to do in Parliament. An advantage of delegated legislation are that it can include local laws for local people. One disadvantage however is that it is not democratic and so are usually repealed after an Act of Parliament is made. An "Act" is an action made by a legislature, a "law" is a wider term for any rules of governance
Sorry mate but thats a ridiculous argument to start with. EVERY company will have corrupt people in it, law breakers (like yourself by refusing to pay the license fee). We all know what you are quoting is designed for money laundering, arms dealing whatever to get people to grass others up, and loosely connected to collusion and anti-competitive behaviour. not that the beeb employed the occasional pervert or ignored words of warning which, to be clear, were never even taken to prosecution never mind conviction. So Saville should have been fired. On what grounds? Stuart Hall, on what grounds (prior to conviction, since when he has been)? Its a loose argument shoehorned with irrelevant facts to appease a criminal act. And I gauge criminal act by can you go to prison for it. You can therefore criminal act. pay or don't pay, your choice, same as speeding, stealing or bashing some old lady over the head. But don't act like its for the good of the rest of us, like you're making a sacrifice.
Comes across a little like 'join me in a revolution and follow me to the stars' in some kind of funky-cult esque way. I'd say you pays yer money you takes yer choice but you dont. Pmsl