An open question for all members

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by mattmccabebrown, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Hi there, Matt your friendly administrator here, I just wanted to post an open question for all our members.
    If you have the time, could you tell me what you like and what you don't like about the forum.
    I am always happy to receive any kind of feedback and always looking for ways to improve so thanks in advance
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  2. like the site and met some great people through it so thank you. An annual meet wouldn't go a miss with the Forum administrator taking the lead. A very supportive forum which has restored my faith in human kindness.
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  3. id like a forum members wives section where they can get it off their chest ;)
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  4. I'd like classifieds to appear when I click the "What's new" tab. I've missed stuff because I forget to look!
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  5. perhaps member of the month
  6. no way am I posting photos of my member...!
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  7. How about a thread of the year award? Vote now!
  8. You had to lower the tone Phill pmsl
  9. more cake
  10. soap on a rope
  11. A rant about anything section would be good.
  12. I could do without banner advertising for Asian Babe and Moslem Babe websites.

    Other than that I think it is pretty good.
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  13. Racist :tongue:

  14. +1 - Something where you can get anything you desire off your chest without being taken to task for it, whether that be sexist, racist (which I am not) or just full of expletives about your day/boss.

    It could have a clear warning saying 'Don't enter here if you are a pussy'

    Other than that, I love it.
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  15. I did start a rant thread.

    search 'the official piss and moan thread'

    on that basis matt may I suggest my

    piss and moan thread
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  16. psychological assessments for inmates with a free gift for those partaking


  17. Matt. It's an excellent site with some real characters, and 2nd to none from a technical point of view when issues arise with bikes. I wish it was more IPad user friendly (I find some times the keyboard disappears after each letter I type). Also, can the e-mail reply for each thread I reply to be binned? My inbox can't take the strain! I like the 'subscribed threads' bit, but not the mails!...

    also, can yo make El T presidente!?!?... :wink:
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  18. I really dislike the default font which is used by nearly everybody except me. So hard to read. Can the default not be set to something easier on the eye? With serifs?
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  19. I like the fact that I can close threads :upyeah:

    I don't like the fact that you won't really let me :frown:
  20. Some good stuff here guys, so thanks for that. I will see what I can do, but please keep the suggestions etc coming. Oh and feel free to use Phill's piss and moan thread as the official rant section :upyeah: I may even change the properties so it stays at the top of Lounge :tongue:
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