Lee Rigby

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mary Hinge, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. I have had a few emails regarding the certain use of language. The 'c' word and any racist terms tend to get edited, but that is all. I know we are all adult on here, but I hope you understand.
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  2. As I recall, Matt, we had a lengthy debate and a poll about whether there should be any censorship of "rude words" on this forum, and there was a pretty strong consensus that there should not be. We could have a reprise of that debate, if anyone wants it. Otherwise, can we not stick to the practice that was agreed, i.e. no censorship?

    It may be legally necessary to remove posts containing libel, breach of copyright, breach of court orders, or incitement to violence - but that is different, and we rely on you. Removing stuff somebody finds offensive is uncalled for, in my view. There are lots of posts I find offensive, but I don't ask for them to be censored on that account!
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  3. whatever...........
    #63 Cranker V2, Oct 2, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
  4. Some forums swear words get automatically replaced with say ..... Shit would be sausages ..
    All mayhem broke loose when people realised you couldn't swear and nothing made sense .
    It went too far.

    I Agree the scum that killed him should be called the worse possible name you could use !
    The C word is a real issue ...and they deserve it tenfold .
    People are really offended by the C word.
    I rarely have used it except when absolutely incensed ... I don't like it at all.
    A handful of times in my life and it doesn't sit well coming out of my mouth.
    But it's odd how a word for female genitals is so hated but calling some one a cock is pretty excepted ?
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  5. Change it to 'cake' Matt...
  6. I like your thought process there figgy, but you know I cant....oh that was a bit close
  7. i just hope lots of greedy 'Cakes' prolong the legal proceedings to make an awful lot of money out of not a lot...........
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  8. Only a cake would do that.
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  9. What type of cakes do you like best? Jammy sponges? Rich fruitcakes? Battenbergs? I like Jamaica Ginger cakes myself.
  10. Bacon cake...
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  11. the rich fruit cake appears to be the one.....
  12. Here all week ladies and gentlemen :tongue:
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