Another TV Licensing threat letter hahahaha

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. personally I fuggin hate the bbc and there god given right to demand a fee with menaces.
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  2. nah mate, as you say each to their own and all that. i dont agree with it on principle. it just makes me laugh when i receive another poison pen letter the first week of every month..cant wait for the christmas one, season of good cheer....its always amusing, especially when you know that thats the main time for the bully boys to make house calls, and auntie is doing all her friendly happy family advertising!!
  3. i listen to the radio now and again when im in the car (no licence required), but i dont watch live telly (no licence required).

    they used to charge people for using the radio, but it was eventually overturned.
  4. I'm glad you've said that I was starting to wonder if you were being a little hypocritical (this is not meant as an insult).

    I do wonder why all the fuss. You’ve made the choice that you don’t want to fund the BBC and you are honest enough to not watch it because you are not paying for it (although I’m not sure there is a direct link between the licence fee and BBC funding in the same way as there is no link between road tax and funding for road maintenance).

    I do agree that the TV licence folks can get a little wearisome (I had similar letters when I did not have a TV or licence) and their assumption that you should prove to them that you have no television is contrary to most peoples thinking.

    You clearly have very strong views on this but I don’t understand why you are so aggrieved.
  5. Freeloading Funky, no vehicle tax, no TV licence. What is it they say about people who don't pay their dues only make it more expensive for other? Well thank you from the heart of my bottom.
  6. Lol

    Fuck me you better start running Funky as the hang em high brigade are on to you now.

    I better not mention I do the same only im a long term unemployed muslim wearing a burka, and nick bikes instead of buying them.Oh and I break the speed limits on a regular basis to.I can hear the cries already 'chop his bollox off'.Some of you folks seriously need to get a life instead of judging others.

    Ffs bring back ducatisti forum.Oh wait you had the same crap on there only you also had some interesting ducati threads too.
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  7. Sounds like you've made a judgement yourself

    Pots and kettles spring to mind
  8. I was going to originaly say some of you c##ts but thought better of it.

    See what I did there.No need for mods to censor my posts now eh.I guess im learning fast.
    #68 matt#corse, Oct 3, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
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  9. Bollox double post

    What was that I said abot learning fast.I still hammer the fucking mouse button when things freeze up.Will I ever learn lol.
    #69 matt#corse, Oct 3, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
  10. If funky doesn't have a TV, he has no need for a TVL but gets pursued for one.

    I don't have a dog or CB radio, yet I don't get harassed for licenses for those.

    Is there any differences there?
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  11. TVL harassed my wifes blind nan for years (100% blind) because she only had a B&W licence, they said nobody has a B&W tv anymore and she should pay for a colour license, we told them that she was blind, then we had to prove to them that she was blind, then we ended up buying her a radio that broadcast tv. she only listened to the soaps FFS she thought Gail on corrie was good looking in her own mind, and was gutted when we told her she was a bag lol. Five years we battled with the TVL. A**e holes.
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  12. why should i have a tv licence? i dont watch live tv...

  13. so even if you DO have a licence they still come after you..theyre scumbags.

    if owning a B&W licence isnt good enough for them and 'no one has a black and white tv' anymore, why put it on the fekkin form???

    I wrote to them loads of times but they still wrote to me. i had a bloke come round a few years and i let him in..cheeky tw@t tried to go through the house..when i showed him that i'd cut the co-ax cable he put his finger in it to try and become a human antenna..its was at that point that i smartly escorted him from the premises.
  14. Read my original post. ive included a list of reasons.
  15. if i were you, i would forward a letter of complaint to the Director General, asking why they see fit to pay the likes of George Entwhistle £500k to walk away from a job he's had for only 54 days...perhaps, THATS the reason why you pay so much for your TV licence...or perhaps Mark Byford with over £900k....there are many more of course who've been paid off early..perhaps these people should receive your consideration....then perhaps, the over paid 'talent' on there....?

    just sayin'
  16. But if you had a collar and lead or an ariel...
  17. the aerial has been on my roof since i purchased the property and im not about to climb up there to remove it..even if i did, i would still get letters from those parasites.
    if you read my earlier post you'll know that i showed the inspector the cut coaxial cable...i'd literally cut it off at the wall..he put his finger into the end of it the try and get a signal...iot was at that point that i picked him up and carried out of the house...(i had 3 stone more meat on my bones then)..
  18. i was just being facetious...
  19. There should be a tax on facetiousness.
    #80 Drinky, Oct 4, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2013
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