Making People laugh. Holding a door open for a Lady and actually getting a thankyou !! Hearing my other half tell me she loves me Clearing up the Garage Cleaning a Window That moment when she clamps her legs round your head and .....oops bit too far i think
Going to the tip! finding a fiver in a pocket of something you havn't worn for a while! A nice brew with a full English. A rusted bolt finally relenting Having a glass of wine with the wife outside on a summers evening.
The sound of a Rolls Royce Merlin engine working hard Reaching the summit of a mountain with clear skies The welcome greeting from my dogs when I get home
A freshly made bed Making someone smile and giving them a hug A frosty morning wrapped up walking in the sun A good morning txt A nice cup of coffee My kids achievements Walking by the sea Waterfalls
New leather soled shoes - A walk in the woods with the one you love - John Coltrane - A good bottle of wine - Winter air - The smell of a real Christmas tree and a log fire BRAND NEW VINYL
Secrets to a Happy Marriage 1. It is important to find a woman that cooks and cleans. 2. It is important to find a woman that makes good money. 3. It is important to find a woman that likes to have sex. and MOST important... 4. It is important that these three women never meet.
riding my favourite twisty roads and not bumping into any traffic, the warmth of the sun, how good the garden looks when I cut the grass, driving to work in the morning and looking out around the lovely Cornish countryside