Tiny Pleasures

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Well well, I didn't anticipate anyone listing the M25 as a pleasure. De gustibus non disputandum.
  2. Unblocking a drain and having a damn good sh*t when you're constipated :eek:
  3. Making People laugh.
    Holding a door open for a Lady and actually getting a thankyou !!
    Hearing my other half tell me she loves me
    Clearing up the Garage
    Cleaning a Window
    That moment when she clamps her legs round your head and .....oops bit too far i think :eek:
  4. Going to the tip!
    finding a fiver in a pocket of something you havn't worn for a while!
    A nice brew with a full English.
    A rusted bolt finally relenting
    Having a glass of wine with the wife outside on a summers evening.
  5. Warm woolen mittens...?
  6. The sound of a Rolls Royce Merlin engine working hard
    Reaching the summit of a mountain with clear skies
    The welcome greeting from my dogs when I get home
  7. A hug from my 6 3/4 year old daughter, whom I love more than life itself.
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  8. A freshly made bed
    Making someone smile and giving them a hug
    A frosty morning wrapped up walking in the sun
    A good morning txt
    A nice cup of coffee
    My kids achievements
    Walking by the sea
  9. New leather soled shoes -
    A walk in the woods with the one you love -
    John Coltrane -
    A good bottle of wine -
    Winter air -
    The smell of a real Christmas tree and a log fire
  10. The sound of four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines working hard.
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  11. Cumming and hit my left nipple! :cool:
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  12. Hahaha, although I'd probably put that one in the pile of HUGE pleasures, not tiny pleasures.
  13. Are you talking LPs, cheap sofas, or catsuits?
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  14. but not the other way round.....
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  15. 2 out of 3 ain't bad, the 3rd being brand new seats for a '76 Ford Escort, so close ...
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  16. Secrets to a Happy Marriage

    1. It is important to find a woman that cooks and cleans.

    2. It is important to find a woman that makes good money.

    3. It is important to find a woman that likes to have sex.

    and MOST important...

    4. It is important that these three women never meet.
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  17. riding my favourite twisty roads and not bumping into any traffic, the warmth of the sun, how good the garden looks when I cut the grass, driving to work in the morning and looking out around the lovely Cornish countryside
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  18. Swimming in a river or lake with my dogs.
  19. Tiny pleasures, Asians? :wink:
  20. seeing my grandchildren giggling
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