Describe what biking means to you.................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Or north of Kendal :upyeah:
  2. The solitude I find,
    My place to unwind.
    The breeze touches my skin,
    I'm living my life to win.
    So when I'm at a low,
    I turn to my friend, my Evo.
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  3. Spanners....:rolleyes:

  4. Given North Wales a wide berth for years. Anti biking Chief Constable. My mates went a couple of months ago stopped by unmarked plod on a sports bike. They assumed as he was that close behind them, that he wanted to race. Must be 8 years since I last ventured into NW.
  5. I can't wait-sounds like fun.:eek:
  6. Good news for you - Richard Brunstrom retired in July 2009.
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  7. wearing lots of leather and a helmet and meeting other people with the same fetish
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  8. And a penchant for large crains :eek:
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  9. In your own head content.
  10. #50 Char, Oct 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2013
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  11. Dressing up as an empowered and anonymous superhero is part of the attraction, but we were only allowed one word and it didn't come top of the list...
  12. A foreign race indeed - but hey ho they seem to love themselves
  13. Dressing up as a power ranger ?
  14. Oddly enough that's the one thing that puts me off biking. The whole rigmarole of donning the correct attire is a bit too ritualistic for my liking. The fact I'm a fat fecker who looks worse in leather than the material's donor has nothing to do with it...
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  15. I kind of agree. Although I have/wear a one piece suit, it is just black with no standy out bits.
  16. Black is cool, but sadly invisible.
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