Muslim Guide Dog

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. barka.jpg

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  2. Straight to hell for that one. Lol great
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  3. do muslims believe in hell? or is it just called Luton??
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  4. I don't believe in Luton......
  5. Hey, I work in Luton and I am sorry to say that I confirm its existence. What a shite hole though.
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  6. Are you sure? Sure it's not Hemel Hempstead in a fright mask?
  7. Yes there indeed some fine towns scattered around Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. Let us not forget Hatfield either :wink:
  8. Let's hear it for Stevenage, home of the Vincent.
  9. And Sunderland, the home of the tripple expansion Doxford steam engine.
  10. vincent.png

  11. Ah, the sun-baked sunflower fields of Hertfordshire.
  12. A muslim's pussy ...


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  13. Greyman, you'll get a fatwah issued by the RSPCA if you're not careful
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  14. or a catwah
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  15. [​IMG][​IMG]
    #19 idrinkbeer, Oct 3, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
  16. I fear this has descended into an anti Muslim thread. Can be please be respectful, or at least even it out with some anti (insert religion here) stuff to
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