So what have I missed.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Been away for over a week on holiday, comeback and over 3k new posts.

    Do not have time to read them so what have I missed? ;)
  2. Not much then ;)
  3. S:smile:mewhere romantic with gurlfriend?
  4. Yep Polish wedding, loads of alcohol, food and cakes like this

  5. Blimey!!!! You got married as well
  6. I was drunk but not that drunk come on. Loads of F and A and C and S but that is it.
  7. I'm not going to ask!!!!!
  8. El Toro will !!
  9. He probably knows all about it never mind ask lol
  10. Yes where is El Toro?
  11. Over in general discussion probably :smile:

  12. Who?
  13. Well this week you missed Funky getting out of bed the wrong way.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Was it like the last few times or new.... ?
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