why is it, that people who choose not to bring more rug rats into this over populated world, or those who are infertile/sterile have to suffer the indignity of having to pay yet more taxes to support other peoples kids? How is it fair, that just because a couple, or unmarried girl gets pregnant, single people, or those without kids have to fork out, so that these people get a stealth benefit? Why should the taxpayer have to be responsible? Shouldnt people who HAVE children be taxed until the child is of a working age and can contribute back to society instead of being a burden? This will help off set the damage caused by anti social behaviour and the burden to the taxpayer for providing education and even free school meals. Many kids whose parents cant be bothered to work, sign up for every free thing at school...free drama club, music lessons, football, meals...anything...yet most of them cant even be bothered to turn up or practise...someone has to pay for this...its the taxpayer yet again. why should our taxes be wasted on these layabouts?
+1. and I think we should be looking to cap the population of UK. A bit Orwellian maybe but this country is full.
I like to think that your investment into my children will pay off when they become hard working adults to pay back to society through tax I'm very grateful for the help that the tax payer gives me it's not alot of money around £130 a month but it helps. Actually their grandparents and their dad pay taxes and I paid mine while in full time employment and I still work and look after my children Indirectly I pay taxes on most things I buy so I guess it's still ok to have my benefit or shall I have nothing because of the likes of the people your talking about because don't forget there are hard working single parents like myself who are bringing up good children who are grateful for any help they can get Just a thought because I dont want to be tarnished with the same brush If you scrap these benefits for those people then it's taken away also from the likes of myself and believe me I'm no scrounger
i pay a fair chunk into the system, and my child benefits from it, child support or working tax credits is no where near what i chuck in the pot i take it you never went to school funky? look at it as if your paying for it now, its easier
I think the point is that child benefit may be nowhere near what you "chuck into the pot" but at least you get something out of that pot... Those of us that are child-free put in just as much, and get nothing out... If people choose to have kids that's great - but, like the OP, I don't see why those of us who choose not to should be made to pay for them... There are a lot of hard-working parents in the UK, of that there is no doubt. But there is also an entire sub-culture that support themselves by producing ever more unnecessary children just so that they can claim myriad forms of benefits...
I see your point Funky but equally, I see another point: If family allowance encourages people to have children (in some way) then, all things being equal, that is good, as the population of Europe is shrinking and getting older. If the supply of home-grown kids dries up, then the only way the economy can work is with more immigration. Yes the world is full, but unequally full. So just as long at you are happy for the UK to be the new Syria/Pakistan/Algeria/Somalia/Bulgaria, then it's all fine. If you want it to still be recognisably British, then you're going to need more British kids. Of course, you could make family allowance only available to people born and bred in the country, but I bet there would be huge issues with that. Equally to really have a viewpoint, it would be necessary to know what proportion of family allowance went to single women in council flats with 5 sprogs who have never worked. You get the point. It would make more sense, perhaps though, to have the money diverted into crèches, seeing as women now all have to go out to work instead of looking after their offspring.
I'm 50/50 on this one. My first gut reaction is "If you can't feed 'um, don't breed 'um" But then who's going to put the money into the system to pay my pension when I'm old? The kids of today, that's who. So thank's to all the parents out there for their hard work and for supplying my pension providers for the future, but I'll just stick with my dogs thanks :wink:
1 child per couple and euthanasia at 65 if you cant fully support yourself or your kid cant support you. Simple. And put all that money from VED and TV licence to use in pensions...oh no hold on lots don't pay all their dues to they. I pay loads into the system and get fuck all out incl no child allowance for my kid. I'm going on HMRC strike...who's with me, brothers?
Society needs children to feed the next generation of doctors, nurses, teachers, plumbers, etc sure, we could be selfish and say what about me, me, me? But some think of the future, of the needs of society. children are VERY expensive, and child benefit a drop in the ocean (for those that get it), but I reckon for the pittance of child benefit, my children will put back several thousand times what they will have taken out. so, if people choose to be selfish and not provide workers for the next generation, and tax payers for their own old age, then maybe they should be taxed more to cover their lack of future provision for society.
One is inevitable, the other can be evaded................but not avoided..................or is that the other way around? Who knows, not my accountant(s)