Copdock Motorcycle Show Sunday 6th October

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Lightning_650, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. at Trinity Park Ipswich.
    Me and the Missus will be there with our "pre-enjoyed", motorcycle clothing stall
    ("We don't sell cheap clothes,we sell good clothes cheap")
    If you're there come along and say hi,if we haven't run out of gas we'll put the kettle on!:upyeah:
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  2. Watch-out for dead Toms in the river.
  3. Old brasses don't float...
  4. I'm only 15 minutes away from there, but I'm not risking riding / driving yet....... that's another boring Sunday I can look forward to!!!

  5. I went last year and had a good day out.
    Can't make it tomorrow though, it's my middle daughters birthday !
    There's always next year :smile:
  6. Aww,c'mon man,things could be a whole lot worse...
    You'll be reet:upyeah:
  7. Hope to be there but helping a neighbour first thing so may be on the drag. If I get there I'll pop over and say hello:)
  8. If you did go, anyone, what did you think? I didn't go myself but the people I know who did go said it took them over a hour to get in due to only one gate being open? There's nothing worse than waiting in a cue.
  9. Or even waiting for your a queue....:upyeah:
    It was pretty good,so said the many folk who visited our tiny establishment
    I didn't get to see much myself,due to the many folk who....yadadada.......
    Weather fantastic,the next best thing to riding bikes or looking at bikes is talking about bikes
    So it was a good day out
    Best thing if there's three of you?
    Book an Autojumble stall and save money...3 passes and a stall £20....three billy tickets £21.00 I seem to recall
  10. Had a great afternoon down their. Shame I had to blast down the A14 and not take the back roads.
    This show gets better each year and most stall are bike related.
    This is now to big for a one dayer needs two days ,camping etc.
    Reminds me of dare I say it the BMF YEARS AGO.
    Keep up the good work Copdock.:upyeah:
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  11. Was v v busy - loads of bikes, plenty to see etc. Good day out all in all. Took the sv as was worried the 749 would take a dive on dodgy parking . Lucky move as it turns out - was so busy getting in the 749 might have cooked itself to death - and my arse with the full termi heating things up!!
    Took back roads through hadleigh back to mine - ride ruined by flipping Morrison truck getting in way and splitting up our little gang lol
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