Oulton Park

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richie Rich, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. Very bad day at oulton 5 lads down in the same crash 1 killed 3 critcally injured, R.I.P mate
  2. Saw an announcement on no limits fb wall. One dead is terrible...RIP and GwS all those involved
  3. Shit. That's awful. :frown:
  4. Yup as above just seen it on FB, from what can see (possibly speculation) one of the marshals post was unmanned. Unfortunately it doesn't changed anything, thoughts go out to all the families and friends, RIP also :-(
  5. Fuck, thats terrible. Race or trackday?
  6. Track day, fast group
  7. Saw the same comments Freak.
  8. :frown::frown: Thoughts with all the friends and families
  9. It was said at the being of the day they were short on marshals!!
  10. Shouldnt have run the day then. That's just negligence
  11. Lets not jump the gun. There are rules to follow and I'd be astounded if NL didnt. Treat it as it is right now: shocking accident (DONT anyone say accidents dont happen, its not appropriate) that happens once in a blue moon. Having known people who have lost their lives on trackdays, thankfully its very rare.
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  12. Very well said
  13. Really sad news, GWS to the injured, R.I.P to the fallen :frown:
  14. I have seen this also on facebook
    Very sad RIP rider thoughts to all involved
  15. Just got home and saw this on FB too, hadn't realised someone had died though. Very sad indeed and thoughts go out to all of those involved.
  16. I didn't see this thread and just started one, can the mods please delete my other one.

    Terrible news, my mates dad was one of the 5 riders, he saw his old man go down but managed to miss the carnage himself. His dad is ok, just a broken collar bone but is pretty shaken up.

    RIP to the poor guy and i hope all the others make a speedy recovery, both physical and psychological
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  17. Very sad news RIP God Speed :frown:
  18. A very sad day indeed! I knew it was bad when the air ambulance arrived, but shocked when I saw the police arrive. Very sobering for my mates who were doing their first ever trackday. My condolences to family and friends of the rider involved, and a speedy recovery to those riders injured.
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  19. Terrible news when someone leaves this world, especially when doing something you love. RIP to the fella that died
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