family allowance

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. No. You get a pension because the offspring of tomorrow pay for the fathers of yesterday. Fact. You may save and accumulate wealth over your lifetime, and be able to pay your bills or take holiday, but who will be providing services, contributing to taxes, add list infinitum, to allow those services to continue
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  2. Also... There would be more money in the state pension fund ( thereby providing more money to OAP's ) if a good chunk of it wasn't been given out to people who's only contribution to the world is the production of an ever increasing number of children...
  3. Fpmsl so funny its unreal. Thanks for the early saturday evening laugh :upyeah:
  4. surely everyone who is commenting here saying its wrong, is alive, and went to school, took free dentist when they were younger, there parents took Child allowance, went to doctors and so on.......

    guess what - this was paid for by the workers at the time :) parents or not

    whys it different now, you all sponged off the system since being born, get over it
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  5. Well... That's it... I just have to accept that working hard all my life, not having children, never having taken a penny in benefit from the state, using the same education system and healthcare as everyone else, and then having the audacity to disagree with one small part of the benefits system makes me a selfish sponger... I'm out...
  6. Clam down dear...not sure anyone said you were a sponger. In fact tis us, the parents, who are being called spongers.
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  7. Pmsl see most who are screaming for it to be not paid are the same who name-call mail riders. Oh the comic irony
  8. Ar self employed and company owners paying their dues...another can of worms best not opened Mr R
  9. I think you have to take a look at the bigger picture those of you with no children do you have nephews and nieces? If you do then look at it that you are helping them
    Children are an investment and like money some are good and some are bad but your tax you pay may just make a difference to just one of those bad kids, who unfortunately are born into families who think it's ok not to work and live off the state, it's not that child's fault and should we really be penalising them
    I like to think that this country will look after it's own especially the young and old and vulnerable
    There is nothing free in life it's paid for in some form or other through indirect tax so those who make a living through the tax payer don't get away Scott free either though it looks like they do they keep the economy going buying booze fags televisions petrol food etc

    Dont believe all pensioners are poor there are many rich ones, they are the ones spending £100 or more on fags a week!!!

    The poor pensioners will be this generation that are paying in to get a pittance
    I pay into a pension also it won't pay much as I can't afford much but I try to put a little away

    I'm a single mother but a working one I pay a mortgage and make sure my kids are respectful and well behaved so don't think all single mothers are the same
  10. Still reckon a cap is best tho, fine balance between future survival with offspring and overpopulation
  11. I agree I think it should be capped at 3 children and anymore is the families responsibility and they should have to work 16 hours also :)
  12. Absolutely, you have put your finger on one of the essential points.
  13. I'd peg at two but tue point is well made. Plus its like puppies: 3 isn't that much more expensive than 2 ;-)
  14. no such thing as a single parent......unless it was an immaculate conception........Loz, Loz.......
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  15. Is that a round of applause after the deed?
  16. Since the inception of the welfare state each successive generation has taken out more than it has put in. This is one of the reasons why the deficit and the debt is so high today.

    This is not a simple case of each successive generation taking on the responsibility for the previous one, it is an escalating commitment year on year where fewer contributors pay for ever more generous benefits for ever more people.
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  17. Are you sure it's more generosity and not more people (greater population) that has increased the cost?

  18. That and a greedy load of cakes in the financial industry....fooking every thing up !
  19. I thought I clearly said it was both. People are also living longer.
  20. surly this thread is a wind up
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