So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Long as we can have a camp fire, beer ( or port and expensive wine for Pete and some of the others ;-) ) and heavy debate over important stuff like desmo valves and belts v chains...oh no hold on that would be a mass debate amongst Ducatisti over bikes... Never happen ;-)
  2. I can see a road trip being organised :wink:
  3. Like Wild Hogs :upyeah:
  4. Hell yeah!
  5. count me in lol
  6. Oiled the kitchen tops, walked the dogs, painted the front gates, walked the dogs again, cut the lawns, went out for meal, drank champers.
  7. where do you live, Blenheim Palace?
  8. It's not easy running a palace you know.
  9. Went and got some conkers and played it with my Grandson (5). He asked me how cos they've banned it in schools due to elf and safety, what! Even let him drill them to put the string in with the cordless drill.

  10. Just ordered steering damper mount for my hyperstrada
  11. They've banned conkers at school..?:eek:

    The world has gone fucking crazy, I'm embarrassed to be English sometimes.
  12. Yep the world has gone mad :rolleyes:
  13. they ban sports day these days if the grass is damp!!!
  14. Just started a thread on it...
  15. Got impatient and started ripping the Guzzi to bits...

    Bye bye old nail...

    Bodywork stripped, she looks better already. Tank's staying on til I make a seat base that fits, then she'll be painted.

    Alloy mudguards - not sure about the back one yet, I may leave it off.

    That's the idea!




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  16. Packed my bags.
    Ready for Qatar now! Summer here I come :wink:
  17. Yesterday I changed a coolant temp sensor on the car (£6.99 part that took 3 mins to change) put new euro logo number plates on (going to France in a few weeks and can't stand GB stickers) and washed it. My mate took the ducati out, and filled it with fresh fuel upon his return.

    Despite having not been ridden since June he reported back that it runs and rides perfectly.
  18. Had nice run to Goodwood and back and stretched the Multi legs a little
  19. Gone for how long?

    commiserations, your going to miss all the decent weather in the UK -
    and have to put up with that pissing sun........

    have a nice time-watcha doin'?
  20. A few months, going out to work there. I won't be putting up football stadiums though, so I expect to survive :smile:

    Still rocking 28-38 degrees C in Qatar, and here's me hating the heat. Heh.
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