Have I blown it up? :(

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Nelson, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Out for an early morning blast this morning, pulled over for a comfort break and noticed my bike is billowing thick smoke from the exhausts and the crankcase breather! Had to get the AA to bring me home.:rolleyes:

    There's no horrible mechanical noises and the oil pressure light is not illuminated.

    Blown seal of some sort?


    PS. Off for a little cry. :frown:
  2. Have you put diesel in?
  3. If it's coming from the crankcase breather it would indicate excessive pressure, possible piston or ring falier , how was it running.
  4. was running fine, didn't notice any difference!
  5. Hopefully not as bad as my first thoughts then.
  6. was it your 748 or 1098
  7. Could it be that the wadding in your cans has charred or caught fire, possibly after having become soaked in oily or carbon deposits ???
  8. I filled my brand new (a week old) 1198 with Deisel at Clacketts. 4am on way to ferry and france with mates. You wont believe how much smoke it will make if you start it up. Seriously.

    (took tank off, tipped upside down, got bollocking from manager, made the next ferry but the c---s wont let me forget it)
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  9. 1098.
  10. The only reason you're popular is the bird with the banana !

    Put it back.:smile:
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  11. What colour smoke ? White would indicate water in the combustion. Burning oil is normally blue / grey. Massively over-fuelling or lack of air would normally be black. Odd that it's coming out of the breather and the exhaust; that would normally lead me to suggest a cracked piston ring or a cracked piston - ie pressurising the sump and burning oil. If you can, do a compression test and see if it is down on one cylinder...
  12. Just pulled the plugs.
    Front one is oil soaked :frown:
  13. white smoke= diesel as well.

    take some fuel out of the tank and drop on ground and see if it evaporates. if it leaves a film (thin oily)then chances are you may have put diesel in and its run off the petrol . my neighbour did this a few months ago in his Frazer Nash car, first time he has ever done it and he is nearly 80. you wouldnt believe how clever he is, yet the normal pump he uses was in use so he used another in his regular garage, thats where the mistake happened.
  14. i thought white smoke meant there was a new pope...........black meant they hadn't decided yet........
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  15. gulp!

    +1 for return of banana.
  16. If its diesel you should be able to smell it
  17. Bung the plug back in and give it a good hammering up the road for half an hour:upyeah:
    Your'e clearly not using it correctly to get symptoms like that!!!
    Pah a small puff of smoke and you think it's knackered? Back in my day it was only knackered when the piston has exited the barrel and the conrod was seeking daylight!!
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  18. Diesel wouldn't explain the smoke from the crankcase breather. One oily plug would again suggest broken rings or cracked piston... Or maybe leaking valve guide seals...
  19. Would a valve seal do it?

    Banana babe back...:upyeah:
  20. No that would be blue smoke
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