FIFA - what a horrible lot

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by damodici, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. Ok, it's not about bikes but I'm sure many have a view.

    Sepp Blatter, what a horrible little man, slippery as a snake and dictator like in his manner. I can't believe more hasn't been done to unravel the whole thing and start from scratch.

    anyway, quite a good read here on guardians website, a bit tongue in cheek but raises quite a few questions about a man and body of people that really seem to be able to side step all the very obvious questions.

    they've done more to destroy football than any, leading the way on greed and corruption and so setting such a fine example for all.

    The greatest trick Fifa ever pulled was to issue a Qatar weather warning | Marina Hyde | Comment is free | The Guardian

    another good reason to stop bothering with football.

    unfortunately you know who else reminds me of Blatter? Yep, my favourite carmelo ezpeleta.

    power really does corrupt doesn't it
    #1 damodici, Oct 5, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2013
  2. I don't think football threads normally do to well on bike forums but good post and really good point, Blatter is beyond belief and parody. My opinion is Fifa needs completely disbanding and a new body that is completely transparent that operates like a public charity should be put in its place.
  3. I went out and bought FIFA last year.

    It's great being the president of Qatar.
  4. Oh I care very little about football and/or results nowadays.

    what I do care about though is people in such power just like him and nobody seems to be able to do a damn thing about it when there's so much obvious corruption.

    i expect it in the eastern block, I expect it in dictatorships across the Middle East, I just don't get how this bunch of horrible bastards can go country hopping whenever they choose , making it up as they go along with every local federation skipping behind them.

    it just gets on my nerves and I don't get it.
  5. corrupt to the core.
    cant stand that horrible little swiss c*nt..

    ..and im not talking about gliddofgood ;)
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  6. Don't do fitba'
  7. Bunch of corrupt gangsters
  8. whats a fifa?
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  9. Computer game I think
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  10. The acquisition of money always ruins the game, whether it be football, bike racing, car racing, whatever. The more money in the sport, the less likely it is to appeal.
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