Quieter helmet

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by abmatt2002, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. Not sure, but the ratings are excellent,

    will have to try to find one and try it on,
  2. Would like to try a NEXX soetime myself. Ive had Arai's over the yrs and they aint quyiet, even with earplugs, plus their finish is muck, you look at them and they chip - never again.

    I use a SHARK RSR2 carbon for hacking to work. Nice and quiet, v v comfy but they do have a sportier range.

    I plan to buy a Sumy soon, the SR Sport, v v light and supposed to be snug & quiet !

    Pictures dont do the helmet justice.


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  3. i use an RX7 and they are noisy lids at anything over 30mph. However, as others have stated ive always used earplugs...therefore, no problem. you can still hear the engine perfectly and all other sounds, it just kills excess noise and wind turbulence.
    I have tinnitus and find extraneous noise is painful..it actually makes my jaw ache like a 10 yen whore on yum yum detail...wind noise is also very distracting..
    if its good enough for the motogp boys....
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  4. One of the things that stops me changing helmet brand is the amount of expensive visors I seem to accumulate for the ones I have. Clear (obviously) for night, light smoked for dark daylight/rainy days, dark smoked for sun/bright days (used 90% of the time), iridium (cos I think they look quite cool) for extremely bright days (they are very dark). OK, you get the clear one free with the helmet, but the cost of the other three is about another £150 or more.
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  5. From working in the trade I can tell you this thread is going to go on for ever! (Meant in the nicest way) as you said in your original post, the change of bike has highlighted the difference.

    I have a X-Spirit 2 which I love, I also have a Shoei XR1000 (Quite old!) and a Arai Chaser (Barely Used). The X-Spirit is noisy internally because it flows a lot of air, this is one important aspect of noise, to reduce this you need a lid with less extreme venting than a race lid.

    I hate my Arai, because it's so aerodynamically unstable, it buffets around so the 'noise' is buffeting and not air throughput. I would absolutely say that Ear-Plugs are worth getting used too, you can then wear whatever you want.

    Please don't go and spend a fortune though until you have given Ear-Plugs a fair go as I can't ride without them now and I was a hater.
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  6. Hey Char, I'm looking at the SR1 helmet. I currently have a med Shark vision R, which is deafening.
    I've recently bought a Multistrada 1200 s (still got my trusty 999 though) and love it to bits, but the wind noise and buffeting is shocking.
    After a while my head is getting so knocked about my vision starts to get a bit squiffy!!!

    Helmet city have the SR1 on offer at the moment at a bargain £329, so I'm sorely tempted.
    Whereabouts in the UK are you. Nobody in the Bristol area stocks the SR1 :-( and I would like to have a look at one before taking the plunge.

    Do you wear ear plugs with yours? I like the sound of a full Termi, but the wind noise is literally doing my head in!!


    #26 deaks, Sep 25, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2013
  7. Hi Deaks

    I got mine from Infinity - they usually price match

    I know SmartRiders in Christchurch stock and Helmet City in West Bay

    I think Helmet City have a good return policy? At that price deffo a bargain -

    I wear plugs but usually I listen to music - based on the fact I already have tinnitus

    Its a great helmet - no lifting at high speed - only down side is the visors are fekin expensive and I've had to replace one that cracked - but done FOC

    Try and get them to throw in a visor as well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  8. Umm, I seriously doubt returns policy is valid on Helmets! when I worked in the trade there was a no exceptions policy for this as they are a safety item and could have been dropped outside the shop and returned. Please specifically check that this is the case if they do offer it!
  9. [​IMG]
    I've just bought this Shoei GT Air, although its quieter than my X Lite helmets I was still a little disappointed after i'd bought it with the wind noise.
    It is light in weight and very comfortable, also the drop down visor is brilliant, the ventilation is the best i've had and great peripheral vision.
  10. 2012-11-21 11.10.13.jpg

    Schuberth S2 Highly recommended :upyeah: Full face, very comfy light and reasonably quite.

    2012-11-21 11.10.13.jpg
  11. I've got a bell MX5 Daytona carbon. Light as a feather and my touring lid of choice. However, it's the noisiest helmet I've ever owned (and there have been a few :biggrin: ).
    Earplugs is the way to go :upyeah:......add a Schuberth and you'll think you've gone deaf.
  12. With noisey Termis on both my bikes, noise is not something that concerns me. I wear earplugs. My main criteria for a lid is comfort and safety. The Arai's always fit me comfortably. Shoei's hurt my forehead a bit. I am an Arai whore. I will not wear anything else. Especially after a van drove over my head whilst wearing an RX7 Corsair. I kid ye not.

    Get some tailored earplugs.


    My current lid

  13. I can't and won't wear earplugs. I think the manufacturers have a duty to at least try to make modern lids a bit quieter, but instead they're getting noisier.
  14. Good luck with that Figaro. Whilst you wait for them you will get slowly deaf.

    The purpose of a Crash Helmet is for protection during, guess what, a crash. It is not for your hearing. Thats your responsibility and not the manufacturers. They cannot and will not accept that liability. There are just too many variables involved. Can you imagine the possibilities for litigation if they took on that responsibility? Its just not worth the risk to them. It will never happen, especially since earplugs exist. A simple, cheap and effective solution.
  15. Agree. I don't like wearing earplugs. I wear them on long motorway journeys but otherwise I don't like the cotton wool world they create. You feel removed from everything, less attentive. And as I have small passages in my ears, they are often uncomfortable. It's not beyond the wit of man to create a quiet helmet - they cost enough for god's sake. No one is demanding silence, just the impression that you're not sitting in a force 10.
  16. I won't, cos I don't wear Arai - they being by far the worst offenders.
  17. I agree about Arai. But I know what I am in for and I am happy to wear earplugs.

    Tailor made earplugs are what you need. They do not squeeze into the hole. They are rather like the ear plugs musicians and sound engineers use. They take a mould of your ear. Really good kit.

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