Clueless society............

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Non Working lower

    1 vote(s)
  2. Working

    14 vote(s)
  3. Middles

    8 vote(s)
  4. Non Working Upper

    0 vote(s)
  1. According to the BBC I'm technical middle class. Bloody good show an all I say, ol' chap...
  2. That would be the Precariat surely ?
  3. I Know My Place - YouTube

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  4. Firstly I agree class is a load of toss however class is pretty much predetermined in that you are the class of your family you have no choice what class you have been born into. To deny , try to justify or rebel against it only makes you an inverted snob. Money in the pocket thats all that counts.
  5. Modern Urban Peasant .. I feel at home with that :)
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  6. Social mobility increased from 79 to 97 yet fell after 97, I wonder why that was ? Why do the Labour leadership want to close Grammar Schools yet send their kids to fee paying schools ?

    Who benefits from unpaid internships ? Who can afford unpaid internships ?
  7. I'm classified information
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  8. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1381200465.902658.jpg wonder what class the chimney crapper is ?

    Words fail me ! I shouldn't have laughed right ..
    My humour is sometimes warped!

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  9. None of the above.
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  10. MUP-it.... is then :wink:
  11. Interesting that America has never had royalty, or any nobility... And yet is still very clearly defined into a "class" society. The difference is that their class system is defined entirely by money - how much or how little of it you actually have. Is it any better than our system? Probably not, really... Neither nation seems to respect people who actually DO things - engineers, architects, scientists etc. Very few countries do these days, with the possible exception of Italy. The Itallians use the term "engineer" as a title that should be respected - this is the nation that gave us Ducati, Moto Guzzi, Laverda, Ferrari, Lancia, Maserati, MV Agusta, Aprillia... Ours gave us British Leyland and the BSA Dandy. Maybe there's a message in there somewhere...
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  12. And good old blighty gave us Rolls Royce, Mclaren, Aston Martin, Bentley, Triumph, and many others. No offence to you JR but I do get a little peeved by the defeatist attitude that is so often displayed by the Brits. Britain is possibly not as good as it used to be but its still a great country and better than most of the others. We should learn to appreciate its many good points (steps off soap box and shuffles off into the distance)
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  13. I agree. That's why I think it's so sad that that people seem so keen on the "service economy". Running around after people does not make a great country. Inventing, creating and making stuff does.
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  14. I am just pure class
  15. Actually McLaren was started in New Zealand, by Bruce McLaren. That wee McLaren symbol is a Kiwi.
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  16. Fair comment. I stand corrected, but I still rate Britain which, dispite Bruce McLaren's misfortune not to be born here :wink:, is a great place
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  17. I would have thought after all these years we'd be used to the class system by now. It's not like it's a new thing.

    Mind you, seeing how long it takes for the ducatisti to get used to a new model from Ducati, perhaps it's not surprising...
  18. The best thing to do with the class system is to ignore it.

    Still, it's better than the caste system, I suppose. Just.
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  19. Emergent service worker, apparently:frown:
  20. Emerging from where, a ventilation shaft?
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