Things that make you go, Ahh!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Oct 8, 2013.

    #1 figaro, Oct 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
    • Like Like x 3
  2. Bistro gravy! Too obvious?
  3. interesting
  4. [​IMG]Sylvester stalones mum makes me go ahh ffs !!!!!
  5. There are some things you just cannot un-see :mad:
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  6. bet you wouldn want to see her fanny. or would that be faaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnny
  7. Ffs

    That's the 2nd freakiest thing I've ever seen, both of which have been on this forum tonight.

    What the hell is going on
  8. The thread title say Ahh, not Aargh!:mad:
  9. I've met him, down the coast somewhere (southampton or Portsmouth) or someone who bears a striking resemblance. And I can't imagine that happening...
  10. Jesus, this should come with a health warning I nearly chocked on my dinner then felt the tiniest amount of bile rising in my throat, ruined my scram
  11. Okay, seeing as we've gone completely off topic, have a look through this and try not to piss yourselves laughing...

    Mumsnet - the penis beaker!
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  12. Should have trusted my instincts :eek:
  13. I think she looks alright...............................................
    Perhaps the bottle of red wine helps a bit?

    Should have gone to spec savers.:tongue:
  14. dude.jpg

    • Like Like x 1
  15. Perhaps the bottle of red wine helps a bit?

    Bottle? You're talking a case, and then hopefully unconscious.
  16. Don't they have curtains? :wink:
  17. Beef ones :smile:
  18. Back to the OP...

    #20 figaro, Oct 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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