I'll never forget one of my neighbours considered herself middle class because she drove a Mercedes ML and had a hot tub. Fucking Fucktard! I'll save you the details but over the last few years I have poured over 20ltrs of piss and the odd dead rodent into aforementioned hot tub!
Read this and be surprised. How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World and Everything in It by Arthur Herman - Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
This is class. - .....er, anyone on here per chance? Naked drunk passenger Tasered by police after challenging flight captain to a fight - Crime - UK - The Independent
Why thank you. Rest assured that I shall take your sympathy and use it to be condescending and superior to those less fortune than I who happen to be English. Or Franco Germans as I tend to consider them. ;p
In the Socialist Republic of Scotland all with be equal, only some will be more equal than others. Only it won't happen
Too right it will never happen. If independence comes we will resume what we have done for many many centuries. Bashing the shit out of each other and bemoaning our lot. At least the current situation allows us to blame the English.
Stevie - I am not defeatist. I am an engineer, and am proud to be an engineer. My point was that I bemoan the attitude that the general populace have to engineering, creativity, ingenuity, innovation and the general ability to design stuff, make things and fix defects. It is something that should be celebrated and respected. The Italians always have, and still do - they have a passion for these things. The British do not - we do not applaud the innovators and engineering genii... Maybe that is why Bentley and Rolls-Royce are now owned by German companies, Aston Martin became part of an American company and Triumph ( both car and motorcycle ) disappeared. Yes, I know Triumph has re-emerged as a motorcycle manufacturer but they have struggled all the way and are not celebrated as a great national institution by the British public in the way that Italian or German manufacturers are, or Japanese and American ones for that matter. Engineering with passion creates such things as the Ducati 916 or the Alfa Romeo Montreal; engineering without passion creates things like the Rover 214. When an Italian has the letters “Ing” in front of his name it means he has standing and respect – we don’t even have an equivalent title…
I've never seen a programme about the new Triumph. And yet it was a complete business Triumph. There may have been programmes on the box about it, but we are hardly awash in PR. People just don't care, it seems.
You ask people in the street what a mechanical engineer is and they will probably mention a car mechanic. Even British Gas Technicians call themselves Engineers in their TV AD. No your a fucking technician. I studied fucking hard calculus for my fucking qualie. All you had to do was solder some premade piping together and bolt a boiler on the fucking wall. So what? I designed the fucking boiler you c..... Hehehe. I like a good moan about this. But then again I dont even shove the letters after me name anyway. Regards bootsam C.Eng iMechE Twat
Au contraire old chap. Not only that but I fitted my own too and saved myself many pennies. Besides we brits are understated and thats a good thing. The italians just walk around shouting "heya looka ata me, hey" Our designs are still top notch and I do believe the general populace respect that. I just like moaning for a laugh.