Clueless society............

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Non Working lower

    1 vote(s)
  2. Working

    14 vote(s)
  3. Middles

    8 vote(s)
  4. Non Working Upper

    0 vote(s)
  1. I was once an engineer as well so fully understand your complaint about the standing of engineers in Britain. My Dad was also an engineer and he made the same complaint when I was a kid in the 60’s and 70’s, but that did not stop me going into electronic engineering. As a young technician I started in a world leading company (Ferranti Computer Systems Ltd) where I worked with Europe’s first microprocessor that was designed and produced by Ferranti and then watched the company go to the wall due to bad management. Some of the engineers that I worked with were brilliant but never got the recognition they deserved.
    Part of the problem is that ‘engineering workers’ are often referred to as ‘engineers’ so the public’s perception of an engineer is the guy with the oily rag or operating the lathe etc. I’m not putting down these engineering workers as they are generally skilled people that we need a lot more of in this country. But an engineer is a step up from there, is usually degree qualified and experienced, so that he is able to design what the other workers are making on the lathes etc. and direct their efforts. An engineer is generally more highly skilled that people like your average accountant or lawyer but is usually held back by these professions due to the perception of them by people who don’t know what an engineer is or does.
    Regarding my comment about defeatist attitudes after you alluded to all that is bad about British engineering. Perhaps I used the wrong term. I do feel that you were being a little negative about the country and neglected the good stuff but maybe I’m too sensitive about this.
  2. Stevie, my Uncle Jock worked for Ferranti. :)

    "Equal rites for Engineers!" When do we want it? Integrate it and find out
  3. They were a good company to work for. They took me on as a spotty faced apprentice and paid for my part time education till I qualified. I will always be grateful for that.

    Which part of Ferranti did Uncle Jock work in?
  4. Jeez ive never asked. Lol. But it would have been an aerospace division nr Dumfries. He worked on the avionics for the Buccaneer.
    he restores old MG's now. Proper old ones. Hand builds the coachwork etc. Clever man.
  5. you would say that...

    ya fkn upper class posh tw@t..
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