I am quite into my war movies, ww1, ww2, Nam' etc and am always on the lookout for a new watch. My favourites include, SPR, Downfall, Band of brothers, The pacific, Platoon, full metal jacket etc. I have seen dozens over the years but wonder how many good ones I have missed. Not really a fan of the dirty dozen type films as I prefer a bit of authenticity if possible. I have just ordered "cross of iron" with james Coburn. I purchased "the big red one" a few months back after some good reviews but found it quite boring to be honest. So, any recommendations from you good folks please? (watch downfall if you get chance, excellent film even with the subtitles, Downfall trailer - YouTube Bruno Ganz portrayal of Hitler is superb)
Passchendaele battle - YouTube We were Soldiers- Final Battle Scene (song Sgt.MacKenzie) - YouTube The Thin Red Line - Trailer - (1998) - HQ - YouTube FMJ is class with Gunnery SGT Hartman Full Metal Jacket - What Side Was That?!? - YouTube Hurtlocker,Hamburger Hill,Apocalpse Now & Black Hawk Down was a good watch also but found Saving Private Ryan one of the best if hard to watch at times.
Not sure if I have seen the Thin Red Line Char, I will look into that one thanks . Passchendale, one that's been on my radar for a while but not purchased it yet. I do own we were soldiers but can only remember bits of it and just remember not being that impressed. Hurtlocker, yes matt, I enjoyed that even though I feared it was not my cup of tea. Saving private ryan is a spectacular film for sure, just got back from Omaha beach myself.
Thin Red Line is a must watch mate,Nick Nolte is very good and many others.Paschendalle is very graphic like private ryan and shows how both sides got slaughtered .
Few jump to mind, (not really a war film), but Schindlers List, Apocalypse Now, Platoon, The Dear Hunter, Inglourious Basterds, Patton, Gallipoli, Empire of the Sun, and Full Metal Jacket...
And there are the good old favorites: Battle of Britain The Sea Shall Not Have Them Dambusters Bridge too Far Life and Times of Colonel Blimp Ice Cold In Alex Cockleshell Heroes First of the Few Stairway to Heaven - bit weepy but a good film Do try and avoid the "how America won the war" movies such as U571. Bit of movie trivia, Full Metal Jacket was filmed entirely in the UK.
I prefer brit war movies. Ive had enough of americans bragging and big shotting everything. Plus a tad more veracity would be nice.
I really enjoyed Black Hawk Down....love those type of movies ( within reason ). Full metal jacket too, platoon was good. Saving Private Ryan ( camera work or how it looks & sound were excellent ). There is one Im forgetting.....
The opening of SPR scared the shit outta me and gave me a new appreciation for those chaps. Made me glad I was born in the 60's. The Normandy War Graves are a very sobering experience.
I though these were worth a watch... Saints and Soldiers http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0373283/ Into the White (Cross of Honour) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1876277/ Kokoda: 39th Battalion http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0481390/ Days of Glory (subtitled) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0444182/ Winter in Wartime (subtitled) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0795441/ Age of Heros - (with Sean Bean) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1590950/ Stalingrad (dodgy dubbing) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108211/