Cross of Iron is very good. Typical Peckinpah movie, take of that what you will. There are some great war movies out there. Rescue Dawn by Werner Herzog staring Christian Bale is fairly underrated. Ive always loved Where Eagles Dare which is pure Sunday afternoon movie watching for me. The original Inglorius Bastards isnt terrible. Its no Dirty Dozen, but its pretty interesting for what it is. Das Boot is a pure classic. Over the years Ive bought that in three different formats. Ive never seen All Quiet on the Western Front thou, I guess as a student of film, I really should sort that one out.
I like the old ones The Guns of Naverone The Guns of Navarone (1961) - IMDb Where eagles dare Where Eagles Dare (1968) - IMDb The Great escape The Great Escape (1963) - IMDb The dirty dozen The Dirty Dozen (1967) - IMDb The bridge over the river kwai The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) - IMDb Not a very good film but a great series MASH And my personal favorite ZULU There are some cracking modern films out there like Saving private Ryan Shindlers List Platoon Full Metal Jacket I just like the old ones
Yes it is. IMHO it is unconvincing and superficial. If Quentin Tarantino made Titanic, the film would end with the ship sailing into New York harbour.
my great uncle was lost on the hood, so sink the Bismarck. watching Passchendaele on u tube at the moment thanks. I wish a film of the first day of the Somme would be made using modern techniques ie saving private ryan and 3d etc. that would really show what our ancestors went through
My favourites: A Bridge Too Far (John Frost - a true Hero - worked with the film makers) The Great Escape SPR Enemy at the Gates and the best of all: Band of Brothers
I also forgot the Colditz Story (John Mills again!!) in my list of war films, If you ever get the chance do the POW museum at Coldiz do it, amazing to see the stuff they made, especially the sewing machine and typewriter made of wood and bed springs. Oh and the Douglas Bader story. I love Titanic, I rewind the scene where Lenny the goat drowns and laugh every time.
The Longest Day The Longest Day (1962) - IMDb Kelly's Heroes Kelly's Heroes (1970) - IMDb 9th Company (Russians in Afghanistan) 9th Company (2005) - IMDb Battle of the Bulge Battle of the Bulge (1965) - IMDb Yorkie
Apocalypse Now is surely the best - but that's because it's only half a war story. As you doubtless know, it's Conrad's Heart of Darkness transposed to the Vietnam War. Black Hawk Down was pretty intense the first time I saw it - genuinely nightmarish. Less impressive the second time of course. I saw L'Ennemi Intime by mistake once. I thought I was seeing a film about Russian gangsters in London (which I later did - can't remember the name) but the cinema had posted up the wrong details, so I ended up watching a film about the Algerian War. I was the only person in the auditorium just off the Haymarket. Suited me. It was subtitled but French is not a problem. A great film on a subject not so well known in Britain. It was a particularly dirty war. Recommended if you are a fan of the genre.