
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. Next, the home operating theatre - for DIY brain surgeons.
  2. nice...

    ive been looking at getting another porsche in the next year or two..i used to have a 964 (supersport) many moons ago...i fancy a 993..funnily enough i went to see a few porkers last weekend..mostly 997's and an iffy 993..dragging my mate along, whose a bit of a 993 anorak certainly helps)...
    This is a lovely old girl though...
  3. Is it me, or can anybody tell that you're not married :tongue:
  4. How can you tell? Cos he's fucking ugly? :wink:
  5. Oh he's married, she just happens to be a globe trotting supermodel 20 yrs his junior
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