Had few fiats. biggest issue I had was with Punto doors slightly dropping due to weight. Harder to close but all good.
i tend to look at things in a differant way when appraising a car. 6 seats. very nice to drive compaird to what was available at the time. the j.t.d engine in my experiance the best around. and good for a ribbing when doon the pub.
you probably susd i am a bit off a fiat fan, workd in a lot of franchises incuding german car specalist. out of the bunch i prefer the fiats and alfa's. i have heard it all from ex owners but when you press them thay all agree best drivers car for the money. yours, fiat fan fin.
hey thats fine...someone had to think that it was a pretty car...i guess we all assumed that it would be stevie wonder...just dnt post any pics of your naked missus up on here though hey? :wink: x
there is some sick people in the world and I think some are on here sick ..........sick I say just plain sick .........sick ohh the trauma can I sue for being mentaly scarred ...........sick.sick
fuckinell funky where did you drege that shit up.. you 'mrs funky is in st winnifreds cemetary' post makes perfect sense now. sick mofo lol
but dude..i didnt go graveyard creepin' and dig the old girl up did i?? when they said you were anal, thats not quite what i had in mind.