How to deal with Bike Thieves

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chrisw, Oct 13, 2013.

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  1. Fookin ell! Bit harsh, but rough justice in my book... You can't shove a gun in someone's face without repucussions!
  2. Video removed ?
  3. Already?!... Was a good advert for those going to Brazil for the World Cup!...:rolleyes:
  4. Nice. That double tap took the edge off his cockiness.
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  5. Video withdrawn......
  6. Reloaded
  7. whoa so glad it's not that bad here :eek:
  8. Quality lol

    It is a bad here just not so stupid to do it out in the open and we don't have so many armed cops about.

    There was a gang roung these ways following people with high value cars/bikes back to there home address.They would then steam in with firearms and knives and threaten family members.Not surprisingly keys would be handed over fast with no resistance.
  9. If Youtube pull it again then the MP4 can be downloaded here

    Complete Video MP4

    Use the link that says 'Click here to start download rom Sendspace' in blue. It avoids all the crap.
  10. Harsh,but if you use a gun in a robbery you cannot complain if a gun is used on you.
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  11. If you go waving a gun about don't whine about being shot... They should have tied the scum bag to the back of the van and dragged his arse to the police station !
  12. Not South African are you ? :wink:
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  13. thanks for the link..
    i felt deep joy when that scum bag got shot..FINALLY one of these punks gets what they deserve. If only this could happen whenever someone decides to break into your garage.
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  14. Why are people saying its a bit harsh? If he wants to carry a gun around and rob people then he gets what he deserves. Perfectly acceptable in my book. He's still alive, good shooting I say.
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  15. +1.

    id have been tempted to either boot him in the teeth whilst he's writhing around in agony, or whiper gently into his shell like, that i'll be paying him a visit in hospital, and make sure you pass my regards to your mate, coz he's gonna be getting his.
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  16. To be honest I would have whipped it out and urinated on him while he takes his last breaths if cops allowed me to do so.
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  17. Distinct lack of blood...
  18. wouldn't it be great......


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  19. armed robber with a gun cop intially did ok ..but no aftercare where was the first aid ? you carry a gun you can expect to get shot.
    isnt it Brazil where the cops execute lots of homeless children?
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