Firearms and road signs in UK

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. Use to see them often around me, not so much now, im talking prob 25 years ago.
  2. The ones nr where my father lived in Oregon were like pepper pots.
  3. I can't help thinking it would be more helpful if these shooters targeted Gatso boxes instead of signposts.
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  4. if anyone has had the pleasure of driving through the mid west of the USA you'll see that almost every sign is peppered with more buckshot than a pheasants arse in Balmoral.

    i saw a couple of naughty signs when driving through Ireland with my ex a few years ago too...
  5. Most signs in the UK that have been shot has been by shotgun discharge; rarely done from inside a vehicle.......waving (hardly 'waving') a four foot long twelve bore around in a car wouldn't be the easiest or safest of things.....

    .........the bottom photos could easily have been done with a half decent air rifle........

    Or a camera

    #6 Ghost Rider, Oct 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2013
  6. When I go game shooting Im lucky if I hit anything let alone a bloody road sign
  7. An interesting site. I'd never thought that you would be able to glean so much information from something that you normally wouldn't give a second thought to.
    It's certainly a scary prospect to know that there are high-calibre weapons out there. I'm not sure it's correct to paint a picture of lawless thugs riding round shooting up roadsigns like some kind of Grand Theft Auto, but the guns are out there.

    It would be interesting to get a professional's opinion on this, if they can/want to give one.
  8. Sounds like some lessons are in order.....................:wink:
  9. Man, they really don't like reflective panels do they :eek:
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