Feeding motorcycle prejudice

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by catweazle, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. ...and look where that got him!
  2. And which bits were edited? :eek:
  3. I had one of them when I was 18 :upyeah:
  4. Only if I'm Thelma !
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  5. I'm sorry, there is a line and that is soooooo far over it, it has to go. Sorry Si, you know I don't like stepping in, but porn, or just really old naked ladies posing in front of a camera has to go
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  6. But she kept her scarf on, so what's the problem?
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  7. The fact that you are asking that, even in jest, is really worrying
  8. huh...?

    whats happened to this place....once upon you could just kick back a little...its getting sooooOOOOooooo uptight on here (unlike that beautiful model)...

    anyway, its always good to push the envelope a little..besides, Phill started it...

    apologies if it made anyone feel unwell.
  9. "hope i die before i get old"..

    you know what...Roger may have a point there..
  10. keep riding a 1098 to the edge of its tyre in the rain and it may happen sooner than you wish !!!;)
  11. come on phill....play the game son, i dont want to get into any more trouble flirting with you...

  12. all a bit of fun but man sic pics
  13. Too late!
  14. The Multipla was unconscionably foul-looking.

    But didn't it get voted Car of the Year?
  15. possibly, but i dare say Hitler loved his mum.
  16. That doesn't mean your bird is gonna get Granny of the Year!:eek:
  17. Please don't remind us :eek:
  18. I think Mr Rimpler must be into G-G-G-G-GILFs.
  19. now let me have a quick browse of my hard drive...

    oh, hang in a minute...i seem to have an email coming in from.....

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