So luca how does it all work in Poland and are you happy with the monarchy? Would you like to see the monarchy ruling poland?
Thanks guys and gals I think I'm beginning to understand now. The monarchy is safe and I dont feel that we are going to change are rule in the forseeable future to what my friend would like to see.
No Viv I would not. Reason is simple history of Poland shows that whenever Polish monarchy ruled Poland was expanding by war and normal people were suffering as result as it was them doing the fighting. We were biggest European country number of times in the past. Might explain why Russians and Germans hate us so much we did kick ass.
Culture, people and upbringing. Mix of those drive me out. Most of people in Poland are jealous of what others have, some much much more then others, and there is this big attitude of if I can not have it why should he or anyone else do. It is passed on from generation to generation by means of upbringing, then add to that you see older people acting like that and you are brainwashed. I was lucky as my parents are not like that. When we had monarchy they wanted more and as they were educated they knew how to rally the people using the jealousy or what ever was key factor at the time. Redirect the greed/hate towards own monarchy on another country. Sooner or later it would backfired but you know one king dead another one will pop up.
dont forget youre going to need a massive HR department........shall we say around 5-10% of your staff, thats what, works?
China was nothing of the kind. China followed Russia's Stalin in introducing an authoritarian dictatorship; the leadership had absolute power over everything and everyone, ordinary people had no power at all. That is the complete opposite of Marx's original insight, which is that the future lies with ordinary people instead of kings/emperors/generals/popes.
Pete, with respect, i said nothing about Marx. Marxism is one flavour of a left leaning system but not the only one. I maintain that China's version where everyone is required to help provide for the many did not work. Many factors contributed to that including a great deal of corruption but humans tend to fall to a lower level of effort rather than rise to a higher one when most of their endeavours do not benefit them directly. This is a bit deep for a bike forum though isn't it ?
i like it that we are all in this together..........well some a little more in it and some a little less but hey put it on my tab......
Please dont go bashing each other. I wasn't sure about either and thought as we have intelligent nice people on here that I would get others thoughts. The worst thing is when someone like my friend gives me his view with no answers to why he has them The replies given have been a lot of help because there is much to read but I needed a simplified version
I suggest you obtain a copy of, and read, Animal Farm by George Orwell. A brilliant book and an easy read. Elites will always emerge and rule for the benefit of elites.
Thanks just reviewed it Read it at school but didn't understand it back then will order a copy My friend is a big union person so I guess his views lend to us all not having to work for someone He is that strong about it that he had worked for two big employers and moans constantly about everything to do with it.
but whats the difference between a union............and say the confederation british industry, or the institute of directors et al..............just a bunch of people looking after themselves just some a bit richer than the other
We should all be like Greece, work for the government for a few years and retire at 50 with an index linked pension for the rest of our lives. It's what we deserve, isn't it ?
Animal Farm is a fantastic book, but the trouble is that most of us read it at school when we were too young to appreciate it. I enjoyed it at school, but I really enjoyed it as an adult. When you feel that you really understand Animal Farm then try 1984, that is the only book that I have read cover to cover in one sitting and then gone straight back to the beginning to read it again.
Pete1950 Quote: "China was nothing of the kind. China followed Russia's Stalin in introducing an authoritarian dictatorship; the leadership had absolute power over everything and everyone, ordinary people had no power at all. That is the complete opposite of Marx's original insight, which is that the future lies with ordinary people instead of kings/emperors/generals/popes" Desmoboy Quote: "I maintain that China's version where everyone is required to help provide for the many did not work. Many factors contributed to that including a great deal of corruption but humans tend to fall to a lower level of effort rather than rise to a higher one when most of their endeavours do not benefit them directly." Just pointing out that the old USSR and China were / are Communist states.....a current perfect example of which is North Korea..........These states need a lot of of in depth study to see how they 'functioned', more in depth than can be described on this forum. But as a parallel aside, I have a theory that everything we read in books and see in the media (Films / TV etc) as fiction, eventually occurs in reality........ .......just think back....HG Wells, Star Trek, 1984 etc etc. AL.