War movie thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by timberwolf, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. I would recommend.

    The Hill.

    Connery without his wig, and the sequence filmed through the gas mask was ground breaking, was it based on a true story?

    Mr Roberts.

    Jack Lemon, Peter Fonda, James Cagney on a US cargo ship during the 2WW, comedy.


    BTW I really liked Inglorious Bastards by QT, cracking scenes, ramping up the tension as each one goes on, the original was poor, IMO.
  2. Fuck me, I've just forward rolled and belly crawled to the kitchen and back after reading this lot. INCOMING....
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  3. We need some of these films on tv this aft ... Raining and rubbish on tele now...

  4. +1 for The Hill :upyeah:
  5. The Beast is excellent. About a Soviet tank crew and their tank lost in Afghanistan.
  6. my grandad sank the Bismark he was in the gun crew on HMS Rodney which opened up first on the day the Bismark was sunk

    he told me the admiril wanted to blow it up because of the Hood they were firing broadsides at it when it was dead in the water from point blank range and the shells were going right through and out the other side.

    my favs are the beast Russian T-55 tank gets lost in afgan war and is hunted by mujaheden

    tears of the sun bruce willis us commandos save some natives from Rwanda lots of action plus Monica Bellucci really hot italian actress

    a very long engagement french film subtitles first world war but Audrey tautou is the hottest French actress ever

    Apocalypse Now vietnam war on lsd !

    in which we serve stark reality of the war at sea british classic

    these are my top 5 after saving private ryan of course
    #66 paulfastbikes, Oct 14, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
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  7. they now recon the final blow was self inflicted ie scuttled . my great uncle was called Robert hanna, he was a plumber petty officer on the hood. in fact he worked for our plumbing business and left and joined for ww2. funny thing I found an old local paper with an advert for our business and on the same page was reporting the sinking of the titanic.
  8. Matt, I was just scrolling through to see if anybody had mentioned Come and See...it really is a shocking film. One of my "favourites" as it is SOOOO realistic and depressing.
    30 million Russians killed in the war. Sobering.

  9. 300.
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  10. Its very well done the way when the film starts he looks 10, but when it finishes he looks 70. Did you know they used lime ammo on set :eek:
  11. :eek: Lime ammo? Shit I much prefer the strawberry ammo meself :upyeah:
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  12. We're not going to see the OP this side of Easter at this rate
  13. Catch 22
    book is better though
  14. murphys war !!

    on ch4 hd now whoohoo
  15. Just picked up The Caine Mutiny and From Here to Eternity to watch over the weekend. Time to break out the popcorn :)
  16. Watched "Saving Pte Ryan" yesterday :upyeah:
  17. Catch 22 - I have made 3 successive attempts to read it. I think I've read half of it now and what can I say? It must have been of its era. It is a complete snorefest from page one - unless something extremely exciting happens later in the book. Its humour is massively dated - it barely raises a smile from me. It just falls into the category of massively overrated books, as far as I am concerned.

    I have also made numerous attempts to read Crime and Punishment, but the endless Russian names (every character has about 3 different ones), the oppressive atmosphere of fetid rotting and a thoroughly unlikeable "hero" have so far defeated me. May give it another whirl in a few years.
  18. That would be the start of another thread.

    Books other people rave about but which you don't get?
  19. Good idea.

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