any civic type r owners on here

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phill, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Ahh, morning Loz :smile:
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  2. Lad at work has a 2007 civic type r mugen. in a kinda creamy white. Typically he is 24 yrs old. lol as I think it looks a bit lairy for an old fart like me. I drive a Saab 2.0t Aero as I'm an old git.
  3. How about something old school

    205 1.9 GTI
    Golf/Corrado VR6
    Escort RS Turbo
  4. it purely comes down to looks.
    I dont like the shape of the new type r and really like the old one.

    old school motors arent for me as im also looking for something a little more modern.

    the 2l vtec seems a good fun lump and the chassis good..

    power/performance is about right too while still being practical.

    is the vtec generally considered reliable.
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  5. The Honda VTEC is one of the best and most reliable engines out there. Docile under lower revs then it takes off like a banshee with a wasp up its arse higher up.

    Guy at woks is the saloon with a boot. Nice car but I shall stick to my pipe and slippers Saab.
  6. Ran hot Civics/Integras throughout my twenties, culminating in a Civic FD2 - probably in excess of 300k covered in all. The engines are unburstable provided you feed them the right oil. :upyeah:
  7. why not buy a car that was always designed to be fast from the outset rather than a hairdressers cars with bolt ons? An Evo or Sti are far superior in every aspect, particularly the driving experience. They will cost more to run than a Civic i would have thought, but the Scoob is not as bad as you think..cheaper than an M3 (ive had all of the above)
  8. Funky is a chav :tongue:
  9. Any civic type r owners on here?

    Hell no!
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  10. Those, my friend, are just suped up family cars. My civic is certainly no hairdressers car. Shopping trolley is more like it :upyeah:

    Oh and I see your avatar is finally working :tongue:
  11. Matts a chav too.
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  12. the type r is not like a normal civic. it has its own special chassis some 6 inches shorter than stock.
  13. get a bleedin WR1 and have done with it.
  14. the point whats important to me is running costs.

    the evo and sti are higher.
    and I fancy a fwd hatch with fun performance and no turbo.
    I dont want a 4wd.

    having had an m3. I just couldnt drive it without booting it everywhere. for what it was it was good on fuel. but still more than I want to spend on at todays prices. besides it cost a fortune in tyres lol as I had it sideways more often than not on quiet roundabouts ;)
    #34 Phill, Oct 16, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2013
  15. And is also bug ugly.
  16. yep surprising how they sold all 30,000 of them really lol;)

    must say my other half dont like it and she is a hairdresser ;)
  17. I had a 55 plate Type S as a works car for a couple of years. It was a great little thing but main issues were appalling tank range, noisy at speed, and a worse turning circle than a Land Rover! It was so bad you couldn't swing into a supermarket parking space in one go, you'd have to reverse and do it in two moves. It handled a treat though and NEVER went wrong despite some serious abuse! I bet a Type R would be great fun :upyeah:
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  18. The Subaru and Mitsibishi are both homogolation specials built out of dowdy family cars, just like the Civic, albeit a better effort.

    If you want a car that was built to be a non nonsense proper sports car, buy an Elise.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Buy a Caterham 7.
  20. Well that's only 0.04615384615 % of the UK population with bad taste :wink:
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