Decided to give the bike a thorough clean last Sunday and I thought the discs were looking a little dull so I soaked them in WD40 for an hour and wouldn't you know it they have come up lovely and shiny. They haven't looked like that since the day it left the showroom, really chuffed! Only thing is the rear brake doesn't seem to work now no matter how hard I push down on the leaver. Anybody got any ideas. Do you think they may need bleeding or something like that. Anyway, I'm off to do the same with the front discs now to bring them up to the same standard. Thanks in advance.
And as likely as not ruined your pads. Hope these posts have caught you before shag the front discs as well. Andy
Get some glue and stick your tax disk to the brake disk, that will provide extra traction and overcome the perennial question. Dont........
Hi, this is Mrs Ojobear. My husband went out on his bike 2 hours ago and said he would only be 10 minutes. Don't suppose any of you lot know where he might be, his tea is ready. Bloody motorbikes!
Can I please have his engine covers, dash, radiator and cylinder heads if he's in an NHS b&b? Can collect!
I wonder if the fitted Sat Nav didn't have the latest "armco barrier" updates installed! Maybe ojobear, coating the discs with glue would solve the problem. But i'm no engineer like you appear to be :tongue:
Sorry guys I couldn't resist. A mate of mine actually did this to his trials bike last weekend with a can of GT85. It took 3 cans of brake cleaner to get it to work well enough to do the trial.