How to clean your bike in 10 seconds

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr C, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. I really must be bored this evening

    #1 Mr C, Oct 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  2. thats got to be fake, nobody with a flat cap can move that quick
  3. You can with a ferret down your pants
  4. evertime I have cleaned my bike i have only ever done it with a massive trouser snake down there :p
  5. Are you wearing someone else's trousers? :wink:
  6. What the bloody hell is that cap?
  7. Can't believe your questioning the tweed.
  8. You missed a bit
  9. by the way 1940 called , they want the cap back
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  10. Did your Nan knit that jumper for you?

    That 999 is too nice for the likes of you. Please have it ready for my collection in the morning.
  11. Its an original Fred Dibnar
  12. Half cleaned in ten seconds. Fairings off, seat unit off for a real clean.
  13. That's what the jet wash is for
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  14. Clean? It didn't really look dirty to start with!
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  15. You have a cheek calling dusting 'cleaning' ;)
  16. I had washed it earlier in the day, just giving it a little buff up with Mr Sheen
  17. That's 'how to dust your bike in ten seconds' :smile:
  18. It takes 12 seconds to clean it properly :rolleyes:
  19. People in caps are usually follicley challenged.

    Takes me at least an hour to wash my bike. I strip bodywork off, all of it, even the tank. Gunk all teh bits, engine, wheels, parrafin the chain, brake cleanered the brakes etc etc. Hose down. Then I empty half a can of wd40 on the bike (brakes excluded). Put bodywork back on then wash and rinse. Then Mir and polish. Then oil chain.

    I love the smell of WD40 in the morning. Charlie don't dust.

    Love the smell when it burns off when i start her up. Smoke everywhere...
  20. Weirdo!
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