All Pani problems solved : PIROBON has a Trellies frame for the Pani ! :)

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by kope999R, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. 2012-Ducati-1199-Panigale-20.jpg

    The wheelbase deffo 'looks' shorter. For me the most striking aspect of the pani was the way the rear wheel looked detached from the bike. The pierobon, and it may just be an illusion, looks nearer. It 'looks' more compact.

    From 1st appearances, i like it.


  2. You're right, it looks more compact or like the rear was hoisted up a little and the front more pointed down instead of looking like its sagging at the bellypan...if you get me..
  3. There's no plate hanger or hugger on the 'Bon.... the wheel base is the same. The exhaust to tyre edge is within mm.

  4. the picture is smaller!
  5. #25 Il Presidente, Oct 15, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2013
  6. The Pierobon looks a completed bike if that makes sense?????????
  7. Well, I like it now. It 'looks' right. Fek. How much is that going to be? My main complaint with the 1199 was the side profiles. They just 'looked' wrong. I know its subjective and all that but the pierobon has made the design work in my eyes.

    So basically now I need an 1199 with a pierobon frame and then I am happy to look at it from teh side. The front was always okay.
  8. I have to say If it was the right money I will be having one. Thats if you can buy them and dont have to mess about providing a donor bike etc etc etc
  9. #29 Il Presidente, Oct 15, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2013
  10. Here's one................

    do you thnk they commissioned it themselves OR did the big red have a hand in it ?
  11. I can't see Ducati getting Pierbon to make a frame for the Pani. Its kind of admitting that the existing setup is flawed. Is there much of a problem with the frame/handing anyway? Its doing well in Superstock so the chassis can't be too far off. The main problem as I read it is getting enough power and torque from the motor.
  12. I think if Ducati wanted to make a trellis frame for the Panigale they would have the know how to do it themselves. Plus, if that's the way they wanted to go, it would involve a big redesign of the bike.

  13. i thought it was the opposite, its tying itself in knots when you pull the pin.

    A journo i know has told me the standard bike is fine but the R when you push it on become a handful. Its all subjective isnt it.

    Re my point above, Im not trying to slag the bike off, Im just saying that everyone knows it is a handful in real race conditions becuase of setup - so maybe the frame is a subblte way around it. Who knows.
  14. What's needed is an ally beam frame. Now, what bike uses them?
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  15. Theres a question....gotte be something fancy ?

    But didnt Ducati toy with an alloy beam frame in motogp coupl eyrs ago..or was it a rumour...i cant remember.
  16. Write Deltabox across it and job done :upyeah:
  17. Jeremy Burgess would have it sorted in 20 seconds.:smile:
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  18. So is the frame to make it better on track or road?
  19. Neither, it's to make it prettier at the Box Hill Carpark.
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  20. So what pani problems has it solved ? Seems to be doing fine in superstock racing and fine in the sales figures ?
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