A bit of a long shot but im interested in possibly interested buying it but as its quite a distance away I was wondering if anyone on here may know the bike or possibly the owner. Its a bit of a long shot I know but a 700 mile round trip and that with hiring a van (to bring the bike back in) and fuel its quite a bit of time and money to invest in something that I may not purchase. Anyway here is the bike in question 2007 DUCATI 1098 S BLACK termis, slipper, carbon REDUCED REDUCED £7250 | eBay Any help would be appreciated
Looks pretty decent thou. As youre far away, there may be somebody closer who will go and have a look at it for you. However, these bikes arnt rare, so there will always be another one
Looks okay, hard to tell with that colour. The red chain though, yikes! There are a few of us from the Newbury direction on here but I thought there were some Swindon owners also
Yeah I think its been on sale for about two months, ive finally got the funds to buy one now but no black ones for sale up here in Scotland so far.
I go to swinetown once a week but my stab vest is at the dry cleaners atm! Nelson seems pretty clued up but I have had a spell away from Ducs so wouldn't be confident spending your hard earned.
Ive sent Nelson a pm, im laughing at the 'Swinetown' I don't know what to look for with Dukes either as this will be my first one and with the distance etc just thought there might be some kind hearted soul out there that knows what to look for and could give it the once over for me before taking the plunge of hiring a van and a 14 hour round trip.
Get it HPI'd before you do anything, if he's genuine, he will give you its reg number. It could be a reason why its put off buyers?
Strange that tho only colour I considered for my 1098s was red, and I specifically wanted a black Streetfighter when I bought one.